Life News reports that the website (archived link) for research tissue provider StemExpress has gone offline following mention of the company in undercover video showing a top Planned Parenthood official discussing the sale of aborted fetuses’ body parts.
The video shows Planned Parenthood Federation Senior Director of Medical Services Deborah Nucatola discussing StemExpress as an intermediary between the abortion giant and research centers interested in organs, blood, and other fetal remains; and highlights the site’s order form, from which specific organs and tissues can be requested at various stages of human development.
As an example of the type of revenue at stake, the report notes that StemExpress sells fetal liver cells from $488 to as much as $24,250.
As Jill Stanek has noted, a StemExpress flyer advertising to prospective clinics repeatedly discusses the “financial profits” and “fiscal reward” of partnering with them, and carries an endorsement from Dr. Dorothy Furgerson of Planned Parenthood Mar Monte.
It is currently unknown whether the site was deliberately closed or crashed due to a technical issue. According to the National Catholic Register, StemExpress “is aware of the video and will be following up with a response.”