Since the release of undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the alleged sale of fetal body parts, the abortion business has fought hard to discredit the videos.
Abortion activists have even attempted to turn the tables, claiming the man behind the videos, David Daleiden, is the real criminal here. (A “bogus” charge against Daleiden was, however, recently dismissed by a Harris County judge.)
Despite Planned Parenthood’s claim of innocence— and despite efforts to conceal the truth— several state investigations following the release of the videos have implicated Planned Parenthood in a range of unethical and/or allegedly illegal behavior.
Following the release of the Center for Medical Progress’ undercover investigations, the state of Florida launched an investigation into Planned Parenthood facilities across the state. The investigation uncovered evidence of the abortion business allegedly performing abortion procedures without proper licensure. According to the Miami Herald:
After inspecting 16 Planned Parenthood locations in the state last week, the Agency for Health Care Administration found that clinics in St. Petersburg, Fort Myers and Naples have been performing abortions in the second trimester of pregnancies without a license to do so.
The clinics in question were ordered by the state Agency for Health Care Administration to immediately cease performing second trimester abortions. As part of Planned Parenthood’s claim of innocence, they claimed the Scott administration went “so far as to announce allegations directly to press the day before the first GOP presidential debate.”
Following a statewide investigation, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine announced that several Planned Parenthood clinics appeared to be disposing of fetal remains in landfills, contrary to relevant statutes.
“Disposing of aborted fetuses from an abortion by sending them to a landfill is callous and completely inhumane,” said DeWine. “It is important the public be aware that these practices are taking place at these Ohio facilities.”
Mike Gonidakis, president of Ohio Right to Life, believes the abortion business’ disregard for human life goes beyond simply breaking the law.
“The visual of Planned Parenthood carting volumes of children’s remains to a landfill speaks to their callous disregard for human life. It is a grotesque portrait of their urgent need to dispose of their victims along with the truth.”
An investigation in South Carolina revealed Planned Parenthood facilities allegedly disposed of fetal remains in unethical and/or allegedly illegal ways.
According to WIS 10 News: “Violations cited in the five consent orders dated Friday include…fetuses being sterilized with steam and taken to a landfill, rather than incinerated as required by law – issues also cited in the clinics’ suspensions.”
While several other state investigations have cleared Planned Parenthood of wrongdoing within those states, this by no means clears Planned Parenthood of unethical behavior in other states, or on a national level. Investigations into Planned Parenthood continue, including Congress’ Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives, which has already uncovered disturbing evidence related to the fetal body parts market.