When I first heard the headlines and news leads teasing that Texas Gov. Rick Perry had said something “shocking” about State Sen. Wendy Davis, the Democrat-abortion coalition’s newest fake hero, I felt a mix of anticipation and dread.
Had a pro-life politician finally taken my advice and delivered a blistering rebuke of the despicable heartlessness it takes to roadblock democracy on behalf of the power to murder living, developed babies who can think, feel, breathe, and kick, and who have heartbeats? Or had Perry developed an Akin-level case of Foot in Mouth Syndrome?
Then I heard for myself the offending passage from Perry’s Thursday speech to the National Right to Life Convention:
Yes, many children are born into difficult circumstances, but there is no such thing as an unwanted child, because no life is trivial in God’s eyes. Who are we to say that children born into the worst of circumstances can’t grow to live successful lives?
In fact, even the woman who filibustered the Senate the other day was born into difficult circumstances, the daughter of a single mother and a teenage mother herself. She managed to eventually graduate from Harvard Law School and serve in the Texas Senate.
It’s just unfortunate that she hasn’t learned from her own example: that every life must be given a chance to realize its full potential; that every life is precious.
All I could think was, This is it? They’re freaking out over this?
Yet freak out the baby execution crowd did. Davis herself shot back:
Rick Perry’s statement is without dignity and tarnishes the high office he holds. They are small words that reflect a dark and negative point of view. Our governor should reflect our Texas values. Sadly, Gov. Perry fails that test.
The press is incensed. The Huffington Post characterized Perry as being unable to “resist taking a jab at her for having been a teenage mother,” and reports that Planned Parenthood Action president Cecile Richards sneered that his “remarks are incredibly condescending and insulting to women.” Elizabeth Plank, a social justice editor (of course) for PolicyMic, declared that readers “won’t believe” the “petty, insidious and utterly disgraceful” Perry leveled, which allegedly attempted to “shame the Senator for being a teenage mom.” A genius at the ironically named Crooks and Liars blog characterized it as “slam[ming] Wendy Davis for being alive.” Our old pal Erin Gloria Ryan of Jezebel fame reacted in the most mentally strenuous way Jezebel personnel are capable of: by swearing a lot. Even the speaker of the Texas House, Joe Straus, criticized Perry for “cross[ing] the line into the personal” (Straus is a Republican, but not pro-life).
Oh, grow up.
Perry has nothing to apologize for. He said nothing that could be reasonably construed as denigrating the marital status or the parenting of Davis or her mother. He just mentioned them, stated the obvious about the challenges they entail, and pointed out that they didn’t spell doom for Davis’s or her daughter’s ability to lead a successful, fulfilling life. The dreaded judging of out-of-wedlock pregnancy Perry’s critics are pretending to be disgusted by simply isn’t there.
Pro-aborts drone on about out-of-wedlock birth all the time, which is apparently okay only when you’re using it as an excuse to let someone kill their son or daughter. The “logic” seems to be that the mere act of mentioning it while Republican must be inherently malicious, sending subliminal messages to one’s base of ravenous theocrats. It’s like a feminazi version of the Democrats’ infamous Willie Horton smear campaign from the 1988 presidential election.
If that’s really your standard, then by your logic, nobody on the right should ever make any attempt to communicate with the left, because the latter will always assume bad faith and there’s no way for the former to get them to admit otherwise. Conservatives are damned if we do, silenced if we don’t.
According to abortionism, mothers who don’t want their children can reasonably assume that those children’s lives won’t be worth living, and therefore deprive them of their lives and their future – children such as Davis and her daughter, who prove that assumption indefensible. Pro-aborts have to drown out Perry with feigned hysteria over a fabricated slight because they can’t afford to let people think about his point long enough to realize its truth.