In Hollywood, it’s not uncommon to hear of women pressured into having abortions under threat of losing their careers. Old Hollywood starlets like Jean Harlow, Joan Crawford, Bette Davis, Ava Gardner, and Judy Garland all had abortions, often due to pressure from the film studios with which they had contracts. Sadly, the same pressure often happens today – but this R&B singer refused to play that game.
Keke Wyatt is now a successful singer, with multiple hits on the “Billboard” charts, and she’s branching out into acting as well. But when she was 18 and trying to make her big break in Hollywood, Wyatt, who was married at the time, got pregnant. Studio executives told her that she shouldn’t keep her baby. “The people I was working with tried to get me to get an abortion and I was like, ‘Excuse me!'” she said. “They were like, ‘It’s going to end your career.’ So, I gave birth and after I gave birth I was Keke Wyatt. And I’m still Keke Wyatt.”
Wyatt is currently pregnant again and says that she believes she has “an anointing on motherhood.”
“I just don’t believe in shutting down. I believe that’s what the Lord had for me,” she explained. “Babies don’t get in the way of careers, we get in the way of careers. If that’s what the Lord had for me from the very beginning, there’s nothing nobody can do and nobody can say.”
Far from holding her back, Wyatt says her children are what give her the drive to be successful. [They] gave me more power to fight. That was my gasoline,” she said. “‘Oh he needs diapers … hey, alright!’ Every time I have a baby I fight more and I’ll never stop fighting.”
Wyatt has also served as a spokesperson for the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV); she suffered domestic abuse in her first marriage, ultimately leaving her abusive husband to protect her children. She’s now married to ordained minister Michael Ford, and together, they have nine children.
Sadly, the abortion lobby does not look kindly on women like Wyatt; abortion advocates thrive on tearing women down and telling them children will ruin their lives. Pro-abortion activist Carly Manes penned an op-ed in which she claimed that women could accomplish nothing without abortion; notorious pro-abortion extremist Jessica Valenti claimed that women need abortion to go to college. Cecile Richards, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood, has claimed that her abortion chain has allowed women to live out their dreams. There’s a common theme here: elements of the modern “feminist” movement believe that women cannot have children and be successful.
If a woman is facing a crisis pregnancy, the abortion lobby is not going to encourage her and build her up. The abortion industry will not give her support and resources so she doesn’t have to make the choice between her preborn child and her future. Instead, they tell her she’s not strong enough to parent or place her child for adoption, not capable enough; they tell her violence against her own child is the empowering answer…the only answer. It’s condescending, insulting, and wrong.
Women do not need abortion to be successful. Keke Wyatt is just one inspirational example of that.