Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this guest post are solely those of the guest author.
As the survivor of three saline abortion attempts, my heart always goes out to the victims of horrific crimes, yet I know there’s hope, and healing available for those who choose it. I have a very low tolerance for seeing people abused, and their stories exploited. However, I’ve come to expect such from Planned Parenthood.
It came as no surprise when I learned that Samuel Dickman, Medical Director of Planned Parenthood, is the author of the recent “research” which has gotten quite a bit of publicity, and not all of it laudatory. The Journal of the American Medical Association, or “JAMA”, published this study on January 24, 2024. Comments by professionals on the “study’s” website show concern for the mathematical and reporting errors, including but not limited to the number of rapes being inflated, as well as the incidence of pregnancy from rape. For example, the study reports numbers of rape victims at 519,981 since Roe was overturned, yet the FBI states we only see 135,755 annually in the U.S.
Dickman, et al’s findings are focused on 14 states alone. While there’s no previous study of the 14 states that are the focus of this study, so an apples-to-apples comparison isn’t possible, we need only ask a simple question: How could only 14 out of 50 states possibly report over 500,000, when only 135,755 occur annually in all 50 states? This is a huge disparity, and virtually impossible. Let’s look into this a bit further, because it seems that something is definitely rotten in Denmark.
The JAMA study claims that 12.5% of rapes result in pregnancy. However, prior to that, 5% was considered the accepted standard, based in a 1996 study. The JAMA study’s numbers are clearly inflated. But why? [LAN Editor’s Note: This paragraph was edited for clarity.]
The timing of the study’s publication is very interesting, and provides a look into the most plausible reason. Dickman was the submitter of record for a constitutional amendment in Montana, called Ballot Issue 14.

Submitter of Record – Ballot Issue 14
As the chief Medical Director for Planned Parenthood of Montana, it’s an understatement to say that Dickman’s organization profits substantially by killing babies. If passed, this constitutional amendment will prevent laws to protect the lives of the most vulnerable in Montana.
In fact, it will provide a haven for sex traffickers, hide predators, and prevent parents from even being informed that their minor children are having an abortion. Montana is one of roughly a dozen states facing similar proposed constitutional amendments. Abortion on demand and without limits at the taxpayer’s expense will be on the ballot in ’24, and you can bet it’ll be hotly contested. How convenient for Planned Parenthood of Montana to contrive their own numbers in support of rape exceptions, one of the most disgustingly exploited means abortion proponents use to garner support!
Many abortion proponents cite rape exceptions as being needed for pregnant mothers, carefully avoiding the fact that only 0.5% of all abortions occur because of rape, as reported by the Guttmacher Institute, Planned Parenthood’s former reporting arm. At the end of January, Ballot Issue 14 was working its way through the legal process, and proponents were hopeful they’d be given the green light to begin collecting signatures to allow this on November’s ballot. Shameful inflation and exploitation of numbers of women who are pregnant due to rape should be noted by every voter!
Although only 0.5% of all abortions occur because of rape, women who abort their babies post-rape report feeling traumatized a second time. These women have higher incidences of depression, anxiety, and suicidal ideation. Those who carry their children to term, whether raising them or choosing adoption, say they have feelings of redemption. This group reports that though scary and painful, the pregnancy and birth of their child gave them hope, and provided healing. Why, then, would we encourage a woman who is carrying a child due to rape, to abort? They need compassionate support, should be given every opportunity to learn the facts, and not have their circumstances exploited for votes. We should all be working to preserve the dignity of women who have been violated in this most horrific way, including refusing to capitalize on their stories. Voters who may be learning about this spurious “study” should also be given the truth, not overinflated numbers.
Bio: Robin Sertell is an author, speaker, and abortion survivor.