Randy Alcorn is a prolific writer on Christian and pro-life topics. He is the founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries, which – among other commitments – works hard to protect unborn life. One of Alcorn’s notable books, Pro-Life Answers to Pro-Choice Arguments, is a pro-life bookshelf staple in many homes. It’s a bit of a behemoth as pro-life books go, however, and that’s one of the many reasons why his new book is so great.
Why Pro-Life? Caring for the Unborn and their Mothers is a small go-to guide that could have just as easily been named “Pro-Life for Dummies.” Like Pro-Life Answers, the new book Why Pro-Life? is packed with tidbits that touch on just about every abortion-related topic. Chapters progress from the simplest topics, like “What’s the Difference Between Egg, Sperm, Embryo, and Fetus?” to more involved subjects like abortion’s role in an ectopic pregnancy, whether God forgives abortion, and how the Pill and abortion are linked.
Fr. Frank Pavone, as he is accustomed to do, summed it up best:
To change our culture, it is not enough to say that we are pro-life; we must explain why we are pro-life. This is an excellent resource that does precisely that.
Randy has a special talent for identifying common arguments and responding to them with concise responses that will leave you confident and prepared to engage in a dialogue about life whenever the opportunity arises. This book is also a good guide to have on hand if you’re an internet debater – just grab it and peruse the topics if you’re ever stumped on a topic related to abortion.
Oh, and bonus? While the margins are small, there are a few blank pages at the end of the book where you can record all your favorite quotes and takeaways from this wonderful little work.