“My name is Jamie Gauer and I am the mother of 6 children. I was 20 weeks pregnant when my husband and I found out the devastating news that our son, Josef, had Potter’s Syndrome (kidneys didn’t develop). We were told after the diagnosis that our baby could possibly die in utero any time up until he’s full term. If he survived labor, he would live only hours outside the womb.
He was born at 37 weeks gestation and lived for 3 beautiful hours. His life, even though short, has been a blessing to many. I’m sure some thought I was crazy. Why would someone choose to carry their baby 9 months only to have their baby for a few short hours?
Easy. He deserved to breathe air. He deserved to meet us. He deserved a fighting chance. I consider it all joy amongst the sadness we had because Josef was loved and respected until the end.“
~ Facebook post by Abby Johnson (former director at Planned Parenthood), describing Jamie Gauer’s testimony before the South Dakota legislature in support of a 20-week ban on abortions