SBA List National Campaign Chair Jill Stanek
It’s horrifying that people of both parties do not respect the rights of children with disabilities.
The real culprits here are the abortion lobby, who would rather kill babies than mosquitoes. They are fomenting panic for their own personal benefit and gain, rather than promoting the best course of action, which would be to eliminate the mosquitoes carrying the virus and then, long-term, develop a vaccine.
We find the abortion lobby promoting abortion for disabilities across the spectrum, but the pro-life community believes that adult victims, child victims and pre-born children who are victims of the Zika virus deserve the same standard of care. With what other illness do we end the lives of the afflicted, rather than try to heal them?
Killing the patient is not medical treatment. Furthermore, how are we going to make advances in medicine if we destroy the patient before we find treatments and cures for them?
Democrat senators are blocking approval of funding of their own bill. They’ve blocked votes twice because they want Planned Parenthood to get funding in this, which is ridiculous.
~ Susan B. Anthony List National Campaign Chair Jill Stanek, as quoted in a WND/Radio America interview, August 8, 2016