After they were eventually shamed into covering the Kermit Gosnell trial – many in the media admitted they should have covered it earlier and more vigorously. Some of the more honest journalists and outlets also admitted they had not reported on it because of their biases and reluctance to write about a story that shines a negative spotlight on abortion.
But that was then and this is now, they said. We will do better next time, they promised.
Well the next time has arrived and passed and the media has again completely ignored a truly shocking story about abortion. The Senate Judiciary committee last week published a 500-page report on the practice of abortion clinics profiteering from selling body parts of aborted fetuses….
The report is long and detailed – it is a journalist’s dream – the committee have basically done all the investigative work, they have the contracts and the invoices, they have the internal documents. But it has basically gone unreported. As the media frets about fake news and a loss of authority, they might think about covering stories that challenge their beliefs and the beliefs of their friends.
~ Phelim McAleer, Townhall, December 20, 2016