Human Rights

Pro-life partnership: Liberty Counsel and Personhood USA

On Tuesday, Liberty Counsel announced that it will be partnering with the pro-life organization, Personhood USA. The partnership will help both groups advance their missions. Each group advocates for the passage of Personhood legislation and state constitutional initiatives. In a Tuesday press release, Mathew Staver of Liberty Counsel said, “We are pleased to partner with Personhood USA to advance legal protections for every human being.”

The purpose of Personhood legislation and state constitutional initiatives is to declare in law that human life begins at conception.  These laws would protect all human beings from the very moment their lives begin. Personhood USA was involved in the recent efforts to pass Personhood Amendments in Colorado and Mississippi. Personhood USA describes itself as “a movement working to respect the God-given right to life by recognizing all human beings as persons who are ‘created in the image of God’ from the beginning of their biological development, without exceptions.”

Liberty Counsel has a storied history of fighting for life. Mathew Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel, went before the U.S. Supreme Court for the first time in his career to deal with unconstitutional restrictions on pro-life sidewalk counselors. Liberty Counsel was also involved in a recent lawsuit in which a federal judge dismissed Attorney General Eric Holder’s lawsuit that would have silenced sidewalk counselor Susan Pine. Liberty Counsel has also fought for personhood amendments in the past.

According to Staver, “It is undisputed medical science that human life begins at the moment of conception. The right to life is the right of all rights. Without the right to life, all other rights are meaningless. Abortion not only destroys a human life but also demeans women and destroys families. I believe that a culture of life will be restored in America. The days of Roe v. Wade are numbered.”

There is great value in partnerships between pro-life organizations. By working together towards common goals, the organizations can accomplish more, while still maintaining their identity by continuing work that uniquely belongs to them in the fight for life. I expect the partnership between Liberty Counsel and Personhood USA will yield much fruit in the years to come.


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