The abortion debate is often viewed as a convoluted issue, full of misinformation, personal/political perspectives, and varying religious or nonreligious interpretations.
It is always refreshing to hear a straightforward case for being pro-life based on the facts, science, logic, and good old common sense. In his book “Why Pro-Life?”, Randy Alcorn presents such a perspective.
With a focus on supporting both mothers and children, “Why Pro-Life?” is an excellent resource for anyone who cares about the issue of abortion. It is also a superior source of information for those who unsure what exactly to think. Covering tough topics such as “What Makes a Human Life ‘Meaningful,’” “Is Abortion Really a Women’s Rights Issue,” and “How Can I Help Unborn Babies and Their Mothers,” Alcorn’s book answers some tough questions.
Those who already call themselves pro-life can use it to strengthen the factual and logical basis of their viewpoint. Those on the fence – or even those in the pro-choice camp – may be surprised to hear the compelling case offered by Alcorn.
As a former long-time pastor and the founder of Eternal Perspective Ministries, Alcorn understands the role religious values play in the abortion debate for many people – people on both sides. But he also grasps and successfully communicates the reality that science lines up with the pro-life viewpoint.
As Alcorn himself puts it:
The case I present is grounded in medical science and reliable psychological studies. These sources should be as credible to any truth-respecting agnostic as they are to Christians. Indeed, many non-Christians oppose abortion.
“Why Pro-Life?” is now available for free download. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and spread the word, encouraging others to do so as well. As Alcorn writes, “likely more than half of Americans can still be influenced in their thinking about abortion.”
You can download it here.