One of the biggest catchwords in the pro-abortion movement is “choice.” Instead of calling themselves pro-abortion, they call themselves pro-choice. They say they’re fighting for women to have a choice. But what happens when a woman makes the choice to be pro-life? She is mocked, ridiculed, and degraded. Women are free to make whatever choice they want, as long as it is the choice that the pro-abortion advocates approve of. There is no choice for women to be pro-life.
This disturbing attitude was on display recently when Pennsylvania State Representative Babette Josephs (D-Philadelphia) smeared Republican pro-life women as “men with breasts.”
Josephs’ remarks came in a speech about what she perceived as a series of Republican-led attacks on a woman’s right to have an abortion, in the guise of a new law tightening regulations on clinics that perform abortions; the bill that would require women to undergo an ultrasound at least 24 hours before an abortion; and a proposal to bar health care exchanges from providing insurance coverage for abortions.
During her remarks, she blasted women lawmakers who co-sponsored the ultrasound bill, asking rhetorically, ‘What are they? Women, or are they men with breasts?’ according to supporters of the bill who watched the rally.
…Josephs stood by her words after the rally, arguing that the women lawmakers on the bill – sponsored by Rep. Kathy Rapp of Warren County — are acting like women only in the sense “that they will do what the men tell them.”
‘They must believe that they are not capable of making their own health care choices, but they are capable of voting on bills that control all of our behavior,’ Josephs continued. ‘I don’t understand it…’
‘I don’t believe they’re really women….I believe they’re men with breasts.’
If you needed an example of how anti-choice the pro-abortion movement actually is, you just got one.
While trumpeting the word “choice” as a hallmark of their movement, they refuse to accept that any real woman would ever choose to be pro-life. If she does, then clearly she’s a dumb little thing who just meekly follows along with whatever she’s told by a man. Women apparently are not able to see the facts on abortion and make the choice to be pro-life.
But being pro-life is a choice as well, and if it is choice that they are really fighting for, why demean and attack pro-life women?
The answer is that they are threatened by strong, intelligent pro-life women. A woman who is willing to stand up and say that she is against abortion; that she chooses life, flies in the face of everything they claim they’re fighting for. By packaging abortion as a women’s rights issue–and as a matter of choice–they remove the pro-life/pro-abortion angle from the argument. If this is about women’s rights and choice, then what does it say when women choose to be against abortion? Suddenly the issue is focused right back on abortion again, which is exactly what pro-aborts don’t want, because if people are forced to look at the reality of abortion, they’re horrified. And women who take that upper hand away must be attacked, smeared, and degraded.
Fighting for women? Fighting for choice? Only if a woman is making the choice that pro-aborts approve first. Otherwise, to them, she isn’t even a real woman anymore.