
Pro-abortion forces so radical, they’re fighting parental notification laws in Illinois

Planned Parenthood, woman

Abortion is the sacred cow, and nothing must stand in its way.

Name the number of things a minor can get done without parental consent. There aren’t many, are there? Without parental consent, a minor cannot get a piercing or a tattoo, or get elective surgery or even a life-saving medical procedure done. Yet in some states, minors are able to get abortions performed without even parents’ knowledge or consent.

Forty-four states have passed either parental notification or consent laws, unless the minor gets approval from a judge. This would seemingly be something that everyone could get behind. Who would want to take away the right of a parent to know that his or her child is being subjected to a medical procedure, especially one that is potentially life-threatening?

Well, pro-abortion extremists would, that’s who.

Lawyers argued before the Illinois Supreme Court for more than an hour Thursday over an abortion notification law that’s nearly two decades old but has never taken effect. The court’s job is merely to determine whether the legal battle will continue.

The law, adopted in 1995, requires doctors of girls 17 and younger to notify a parent 48 hours before an abortion. A girl may bypass her parents by going to a judge.

… “The state imposes harmful restrictions on those who seek abortions that it does not impose on those who choose to carry their pregnancies to term,” Chaiten told the justices Thursday.

The plaintiffs argue that the law endangers teenagers who face eviction or abuse if forced to tell a parent about an unplanned pregnancy. They say abortion is safe and that minors are capable of making sound medical decisions.

Are minors capable of making sound, rational medical decisions? Actually, oftentimes they aren’t. The brain of a teenager is still developing, specifically the area responsible for decision-making and problem-solving. This is why teens are more likely to act on impulse and engage in risky behavior and are less likely to think things through or consider the potential dangers of their actions. This is one reason why parents should be required to have knowledge of their children’s abortions. Teenagers simply are not mature enough to make a decision like this on their own.

Add in the fact that abortion clinics are known to give inaccurate medical information, as well as consistently violate statutory rape laws, and the need for parental notification and consent laws becomes even clearer.

Not only would these young girls be undertaking a risky medical procedure without their parents’ knowledge or consent, but they would in all likelihood be doing so without knowing the real risks of what they’re doing, or what the medical facts are.

So considering all of that, why would pro-aborts seek to end parental notification laws (this time in Illinois)? The answer is because to them, women are nothing more than their reproductive organs; because abortion is their sacred cow, and nothing must stand in the way. Not parental rights, not the health and safety of young girls – nothing. They don’t care about abortion being safe or rare. All they care about is that it’s legal and used often. Abortion’s a lucrative business, after all, and scared teenage girls can bring in a hefty sum of money. Abortion-supporters don’t take kindly to something standing in the way of their manipulation and exploitation of the stress and fear those vulnerable young girls are already feeling. Yet pro-lifers are the ones branded as extreme?

Extremism is trying to take away parental rights in order to further a radical agenda of making abortion as highly accessible as possible.

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