On September 8, 2018, Chilean women stood outside in a peaceful protest, letting the world listen in as they broadcasted the heartbeats of their preborn children. When Colectivo Por Las Dos Vidas: Ola Celeste Chile posted the women’s video, it was paired with these words: “The voice of the heart does not need explanation. Children for birth speak for themselves, we must only hear them. Chile is #porlas2vidas [for two lives].”
The square where these women met was quickly filled up with excited people, waving and wearing blue scarves. Each one was proclaiming that it is absolutely possible — and necessary — to be for two lives; to love both the mother and her child. Ola Celeste Chile reported, “Families, friends, people from different regions [gathered] with one request: take care of both lives.”
In the crowd were men, women, and children from many walks of life. The organizers of the march highlighted women entrepreneurs, a well-known senator, and other prominent faces who made videos inviting the nation to stand for two lives.
This video was accompanied by these words: “#YoVoyEl8 #PorLas2Vidas Because we need humane and humane choices for women and their [children]. Because we defend everyone’s human rights! And because we deserve policies and laws that take care of both lives!!! ?
The Chile United Foundation is one of the organizations that made this beautiful event possible. Every March Chile United gives pregnant mothers a special opportunity to share the value of every new life with the world. CNA reported in March of 2018:
Pregnant mothers carrying children, volunteers, and staff of the Chile United Foundation celebrated the Day of the Unborn Child and Adoption on March 22 in front of Chile’s presidential palace.
For four years the NGO has gathered there to hand out carnations to passersby and to give them a message of hope, as a tribute to the unborn children they carry in their womb.
Every pregnant mother has a unique opportunity to show other people what the meaning of new life truly is and how valuable each human being is from her earliest moments. When mothers join together, proudly loving their children, broadcasting tiny heartbeats, and speaking out for shared rights, the world hears a beautiful melody that cannot be ignored.