Silent No More Awareness, an organization that compiles the testimonies of women who regret their abortions, released a collection of stories from women who went to Planned Parenthood. One woman, Sherry, told the following story:
I was 17 years old – the lady at the Planned Parenthood told me I could go to Women’s Services clinic in Nebraska to get the procedure.
My boyfriend at the time was 23 or 24 and I was told not to mention that or he would get into trouble. I don’t feel like they really had my best interest in mind. From what I understand, they still give young girls the same advice.
I was devastated by that abortion and my life spiraled downward for about 15 years after that. It took me 30 years to even talk about it.
An investigation by Live Action recorded Planned Parenthood workers giving similar advice. Sherry and the other women who told their stories want Planned Parenthood to be defunded.