Planned Parenthood has released its fiscal year 2011-2012 annual report, and according to Douglas R. Scott, Jr., President of Life Decisions International (LDI), Planned Parenthood is the “most proficient killing machine in America.” LDI is a Planned Parenthood watchdog.

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards.
The report from the Planned Parenthood Federation of America shows that the organization performed 333,964 abortions, which is a slight increase from the year before. Total services amounted to 10.8 million, down from 11 million the previous year.
The report also shows that only 2,300 adoption agency referrals were generated, which works out to one adoption referral for every 145 terminations. Planned Parenthood’s total revenue came in at almost $1.2 billion, down marginally from the $1.22 billion in fiscal 2010-2011.
Planned Parenthood’s income was heavily dependent on the American taxpayer, as $542.4 million came from government sources. That amounted to 45 percent of Planned Parenthood’s total revenue.
Other items reported by the Planned Parenthood Federation of America include the more than 1.4 million “emergency” birth control kits sold by Planned Parenthood and 3.7 million tests for sexually transmitted infections and diseases.
“The Pro-Life Movement can be proud of its ongoing efforts to expose Planned Parenthood’s true agenda,” said Douglas R. Scott, Jr.
On the web:
Planned Parenthood 2011-2012 annual report.