You can’t say baby — well not according to Planned Parenthood.
The Planned Parenthood website explicitly states in response to the question “I’m pregnant. At what point in my pregnancy is it called a baby?”:
Most medical authorities, including Planned Parenthood, agree that it becomes a baby after birth when it takes its first breath.
The problem is that Planned Parenthood isn’t just taking a position that is out-of-touch with the public and leading medical authorities, they arrogantly use the false cover of saying that “most medical authorities” agree with them when they don’t. If that is the case when then why do top medical sites refer to unborn children as babies as seen below:
Near the end of the first trimester, you may be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat with a small device that bounces sound waves off your baby’s heart.
Frequent visits with your healthcare provider allow you to follow the progress of your baby’s development.
Additional prenatal care may be necessary if there are any preexisting medical conditions (i.e., diabetes) present in the mother and/or if complications arise while carrying the baby to term.
United States Health and Human Services:
Prenatal care can help keep you and your baby healthy.
Planned Parenthood is using their medical Q&A section to push an insidious and radical agenda that human life is only to be protected when a child is not only born — but breaths. Is it not murder to them to stab to death a newborn that comes out temporarily not breathing? That is what they are saying after all.
If Planned Parenthood had their way, when you meet a pregnant friend, you would no longer ask, “how is your baby doing?” But rather, “how is your fetus”? While there is nothing wrong with the term fetus (it is Latin for “little one”), common language today uses “baby.” While “baby” is a less scientific word it is clearly understood by the public and the media uses it as well. When a wanted child dies before birth, the term “unborn child” is often uses, when an unwanted child dies, the media will switch to “fetus.”
Planned Parenthood knows that words have the power to influence and that if unborn children are seen as significantly different than their slightly older, newborn peers that killing them will not be looked at with the same disdain. History had taught us that great atrocities happen when human life is devalued and one of the most ugly and effective ways to do this is with verbal games. While Planned Parenthood suffers from great morally deficiencies, they have very competent in twisting words to advance their ruthlessly efficient termination agenda.