The latest Planned Parenthood annual report (2021-22) has been released — and for the first time in years, the organization’s reported abortions decreased by a tiny fraction, while taxpayer dollars and private donations reached the highest on record.
The largest provider of abortions described 2022 as the “year the worst happened,” due to the overturning of the Roe v. Wade 1973 Supreme Court decision which forced every state in the union to legalize abortion.
UP ⇑–
- Taxpayer funding: Planned Parenthood now receives over $1.8 million taxpayer dollars every day, an increase of 6% and a record high — equaling more than a third of its revenue.
- Private funding: Planned Parenthood donors increased over 23%, from 590k in 2020-21 to 727k in 2021-22. Private donations increased over 20% since the prior year’s report.
- Excess revenue: Planned Parenthood’s excess revenue over expenses is $204.7 million, the highest amount recorded since 2017.
- Cancer screenings: Total screenings rose nearly 13% from 2020 to 2021, but have dropped over 78% from the high in 2004.
- Transgender services/other: These services climbed over 1500% from 2020 to 2021, with 41 of its 49 affiliates now offering transgender services.
- Preventative care: This category used to refer to “well woman” care and no longer does; if these categories are parallel, then the most recent year showed a 47% increase in these services, but an overall 20% decrease since 2016.
- Contraception: Contraceptive services increased approximately 7% over the year prior.
- Abortions: Planned Parenthood abortions dropped about 2% in 2021-22 (from 383,460 in 2020-21 to 374,155).
- Adoption referrals: Planned Parenthood now commits 208 abortions for every one adoption referral, dropping by over 7%, falling from 1,940 in 2000 to 1,803 in 2021.
- Prenatal care: Planned Parenthood now commits nearly 60 abortions for every one prenatal care service. Prenatal care services at Planned Parenthood decreased nearly 29% from the year prior.
- Clients: Clients also decreased over 1% percent from the previous year, resulting in a continued decrease of over 12% from its 2.4 million clients recorded in its 2019-2020 annual report.
- Miscarriage care/STI testing & treatments: Miscarriage care has dropped 5% since the previous year, and STI services are down slightly by about 1%.
As a corporation, Planned Parenthood killed an average of 1,025 preborn babies every day, nearly 43 every hour, and one every 84 seconds in 2021-22. Planned Parenthood still commits more than 40% of all abortions in the U.S.
Total services at Planned Parenthood reportedly increased over 5%, from 8,649,078 in 2020 to 9,117,154 in 2021.
Since 2000, Planned Parenthood has committed over 6.7 million abortions and received nearly $10 billion from taxpayers.
Dr. Michael New of the Charlotte Lozier Institute analyzed the report and observed that, “Overall, an examination of previous Planned Parenthood annual reports shows a consistent long-term trend of performing more abortions and providing fewer health services. In fact, in 20 years [213,026 in 2001 v 374,155 in 2021] the number of abortions performed by Planned Parenthood affiliates has increased by an astounding 75.6 percent.”
Taxpayer/government funding UP ⇑: Now 35% of total revenue
Planned Parenthood’s latest 2021-22 annual report reveals the abortion corporation took in the largest amount ever recorded in taxpayer/government revenue – a whopping $670.4 million as of June 30, 2022, an increase of nearly 6% from the previous year.
The latest taxpayer payout shows taxpayer/government revenue climbed $37 million from the $633.4 million recorded by Planned Parenthood in the year ending June 30, 2021.
This is the largest recorded taxpayer dollar payout to the abortion corporation on record, amounting to 35% of the organization’s total revenue.
Private donations and donors UP ⇑- Highest ever recorded
Planned Parenthood’s 2021-22 annual report showed that the organization received donations from 727,000 “active individual contributors,” breaking the falling trend of donors over past years.
In 2021, Planned Parenthood donors increased over 23% (from 590,000 reported in the 2020-2021 report to 727,000 in their 2021-22 annual report). Back in 2017-2018, the corporation saw a high of 1.5 million active individual contributors, which continued to fall until this most recent reporting year.
Private Contributions & Bequests made up 36% of the corporation’s revenue, rising nearly 20% and increasing $115.6 million from the $579.3 million recorded by Planned Parenthood in 2020-2021 to $694.9 million recorded in the 2021-22 annual report.
This is the highest recorded total for private donations on record.
Excess revenue over expenses UP ⇑: Highest recorded since 2017
As of June 30, 2022, Planned Parenthood accumulated over $1.9 ($1,906.7) BILLION in revenue, up from the $1.7 billion they obtained by the end of June of 2021. Expenses as of the end of June 2022 totaled $1.7 ($1,702) billion.
Planned Parenthood’s excess revenue over expenses now stands at a whopping $204.7 million, the highest amount of profit recorded since 2017.
To date, Planned Parenthood’s total balance sheet (ending on June 30, 2022) shows that the organization’s net assets and liabilities have risen to over $2.7 billion.

Planned Parenthood abortion prenatal care Gov dollars and Excess Revenue PP ARs 2000 to 2021-2022
Abortions slightly DOWN ⇓: 2% drop
In the most recent report for services obtained between October 2020 through September 2021, abortions dropped to 374,155, a decrease of over two percent (2.43%) after a record-breaking high the previous recorded year.
In 2020, Planned Parenthood recorded that its facilities aborted 383,460 preborn babies — nearly 29,000 more than it recorded the prior year and the most ever recorded by the abortion corporation. The latest abortion totals published in 2020 by the Guttmacher Institute (930,160) in 2021 reveal that Planned Parenthood still commits 40.2% of the nation’s total abortions.
“Building on a successful pilot program in partnership with the National Abortion Federation and the National Network of Abortion Funds, affiliates across the country now have 70 navigators working to help the most vulnerable Planned Parenthood patients get the care they need,” the latest report stated.
While Planned Parenthood’s latest report reveals that all of its 49 affiliates now provide “telehealth” services, the report stated that “In 21 states, Planned Parenthood patients can access medication abortion via telehealth — including site-to-site and direct-to-patient care.”
Adoption referrals DOWN ⇓: Falling by 7%
Adoption referrals decreased again at Planned Parenthood by over 7%, falling from 1,940 in 2000 to 1,803 in 2021.
These adoption referrals have fallen over 63% from a high of 4,912 recorded in 2007. What this shows is that Planned Parenthood kills nearly 208 preborn babies for every one adoption referral.
Clients slightly DOWN ⇓: Just over 2 million total clients in U.S., a 1% drop
Clients also decreased over one percent (1.38%) from 2.16 million recorded in 2020 to 2.13 million recorded in the 2021-22 annual report. This represents a client decrease of over 12% from the 2.4 million clients recorded in its 2019-2020 annual report.
“In 2021, PPFA launched its presence on TikTok, and has since gained 135K+ followers and millions of views — making it one of our most highly engaged channels,” the report stated. “PPFA also launched the TikTok Collective: A group of 13 TikTok creators who created dozens of posts about sexual and reproductive health and rights that got a total of 20 million views and 2.9 million engagements,” it added.
Cancer Screenings UP ⇑: Total increased by 13%
Overall, cancer screenings (which include Pap tests and breast screenings among other services) were up at Planned Parenthood from previous years, as were items in Planned Parenthood’s “other services” category.
- Breast cancer screenings rose over 11% from 173,653 in 2020 to 193,045 in 2021, but have decreased over 82% from the 1,086,654 they provided in 2000.
- Pap tests rose over 15%, from 198,102 in 2020 to 228,466 in 2021, but have dropped overall 81% (from a high of 1,183,692) since 2004.
- Total cancer screenings rose nearly 13%, from 416,956 in 2020 to 470,419 in 2021, but have dropped over 78% (from a high of 2,157,849) since 2004.
In the past, Planned Parenthood has provided only manual breast exams. Live Action News is unaware if this has changed.
Transgender services and other procedures UP ⇑: A whopping 1500% increase
Planned Parenthood’s “other procedures” category, which includes “transgender services,” climbed over 1500% from 15,902 in 2020 to 256,550 in 2021.
The report noted that Planned Parenthood now has 41 affiliates “providing gender-affirming hormone therapy” and, interestingly, 33 affiliates reportedly offer “depression screening.”
Live Action News will publish more on this service in a separate report.
Preventative care visits (formerly well-woman exams) UP ⇑:
Planned Parenthood’s total of “other reproductive health services” (which once included well-woman exams, pregnancy tests, prenatal care, and miscarriage care) increased from 1,087,934 in 2020 to 1,110,249 in 2021. Pregnancy tests decreased nearly 4% from 949,271 in 2020 to 914,116 in 2021.
It is important to note that the “well woman exam” category has been replaced by the category “preventative care visits.” If these categories are equal and the “woman” moniker was changed under the auspices of inclusivity, it would reveal a 47% increase in the 127,095 “well woman exams” performed in 2020 to 187,234 “preventative care visits” in 2021.
Despite this, the category has decreased over 20% from a “well woman exams” high of 235,355 in 2016.
Prenatal care DOWN ⇓: Lowest on record since 2000
Prenatal care services at Planned Parenthood decreased nearly 29%, from 8,775 in 2020 to 6,244 in 2021. Planned Parenthood now commits nearly 60 abortions for every one prenatal care service they provide.
Prenatal services have been on the decline at Planned Parenthood, dropping drastically in the past years, and decreasing a staggering 80% from the 31,098 prenatal services reported in 2010.
Miscarriage care, STI testing/treatment DOWN ⇓: 5% drop
“Miscarriage care” is a relatively new service category for Planned Parenthood, but has also fallen over 5% from 2,793 in 2000 to 2,653 in 2021.
Total STI testing and treatment services were down from to 4,448,976 in 2020 to 4,411,825 in 2021, a slight 1% decrease. (This is another category of services that has now eliminated any gender-based terminology.)
Contraception UP ⇑: 7% increase
Overall, contraceptive services increased from to 2,193,205 in 2020 to 2,348,275 in 2021, a 7% increase.
In summary, Planned Parenthood, which claimed that “[i]n a world without Roe v. Wade… Planned Parenthood is more essential than ever,” now receives over $1.8 million dollars from U.S. taxpayers every day while ending the lives of over 1,025 preborn babies every single day — nearly 43 per hour, and one every 84 seconds.
Editor’s Note, 4/28/23: Added quote by Dr. Michael J. New.