Once again, Planned Parenthood has been discovered spewing lies left and right.
In Michigan, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society have been protesting a new “medical center” that Planned Parenthood has purchased and is attempting to remodel and open. Planned Parenthood heartily objects (of course) to the protestors’ activities.
According to Lori Lamerand, CEO of Planned Parenthood Mid and South Michigan, Planned Parenthood doesn’t even know themselves if they are going to offer abortions at this center. Right. Businesses commonly purchase properties and buildings without having a clue about how they’re going to use them. That makes perfect sense.
Lori Lamerand claims that Planned Parenthood kindly serves as a safety net for people without resources. Out of the kindness of their heart, they give to the community. At least, that’s the sense I get from her comments to The Oakland Press. Where did these pro-life protestors get any idea about abortion?
Oh, right. They got their idea from Planned Parenthood’s website, actually. Right to Life of Michigan’s Blog calls Planned Parenthood out on their lies. On June 28,2011, Lori Lamerand gave an interview to The Detroit News. That interview revealed the real truth. It states, “But Lamerand is holding firm to a plan to create what the organization delicately calls ‘a full-service clinic’ that would provide reproductive and contraceptive services, including abortion.”
Oops, they did it again. Planned Parenthood has been caught in the tangled web of their own lies and deceit. When they are interviewed by a pro-abortion news agency, they freely admit that they want their new center to perform abortions. After all, they are committed to offering the full-range of “health options” for women, right? But, when pro-lifers begin to protest, Planned Parenthood prefers to claim that the protestors are the ones twisting the truth when in reality, they are exposing it. Even Planned Parenthood knows that the truth doesn’t look pretty for them.
Did they really think we wouldn’t look at their own website? After all these years, Planned Parenthood should have at least learned to be a good liar.