Abortion giant Planned Parenthood is facing opposition in every corner of the country. Pro-life Americans are making their voices heard by clearly communicating that they do not want Planned Parenthood in their communities. This was on display on Thursday as another community decided they didn’t want to lease to Planned Parenthood. WTVB reports:
Pro life supporters were out in force Thursday in Coldwater at the monthly meeting of the Branch-Hillsdale-St. Joseph Community Health Agency Board of Directors, which decided on a 3-3 tie vote not to extend the agency’s lease for office space to Planned Parenthood.
Getting the abortion industry out of your community takes some work but it is possible. An effective first step is finding out whether Planned Parenthood owns or leases their facility. If they lease, find out who it is from and put pressure on them on not renew the lease. Also, find out what sort of taxpayer aid Planned Parenthood is receiving. While it may be difficult for a local community to stop federal funds, they can put an end to city and county level subsidies to the abortion industry.