Ebony Apps and her partner Jayden were trying for a baby… and suddenly there were four!
After learning they were pregnant in September of 2023, the couple had their first ultrasound, which initially revealed twins. Then in December, the ultrasound detected two babies in each of the two sacs. Stunned, the couple stared at the screen.
Apps remembers, “I almost passed out when we found out there were four and Jayden had no words. There’s nothing that could prepare you for that news.” The shocking but joyful discovery came after a sad journey that included two miscarriages.
Apps’ first thought upon learning the news was how she and Jayden would welcome four babies into their one-bedroom apartment. Working through their amazement, the New South Wales couple has made preparations by finding a larger house and a larger vehicle.
“When we first found out the news, we both went into a state of utter shock and we were so worried about how we would care and provide for four newborns, but I know that we will manage it,” Apps said.
Apps said that she plans to have a C-section in April and looks forward to her children’s upcoming gender reveal. “… I am so excited to find out what we’re having,” Apps said. “It’ll be nice to know what I am growing.”
A natural pregnancy of this nature is incredibly rare. Apps told The Mirror, “Our doctor told us that quadruplet pregnancies are around one in 700,000, and being pregnant with two sets of identical twins is even more rare” — about one in 70 million. Hannah Carmack of Alabama was also a mother who experienced one of these extremely rare quadruplet pregnancies, giving birth to two identical sets of twins last year in March— two boys and two girls. All are thriving.
Apps said her pregnancy has been going smoothly, considering the major shock of four babies at once. After birth, the babies will likely need to stay in the NICU for a time as they will be delivered prematurely. But Apps and her partner are ready and excited for their growing family to arrive.
In many similar situations, women are encouraged to use abortion to selectively reduce the number of multiples in a pregnancy. As Live Action News has reported previously, the reasons presented can range from potentially improving the health outcomes of the remaining babies, to choosing children based on gender, to eliminating children with congenital conditions, and even because the parents were only expecting to have one child and are not willing to welcome more at once.
But Apps and her partner are facing this unexpected change in lifestyle with courage and maturity by preparing to open their arms a little wider — and love a little larger.