Despite potential for dangerous outcomes, abortion advocates are pushing “at home” or “mail order” abortions. FDA reports indicate that almost two dozen women who took abortion pills have died as a result, and a thousand have been hospitalized. And now, some women are sharing their testimonies on YouTube, giving a glimpse into their mindset, the physical and emotional results of taking the abortion pill, and the reality of abortion.
One inside view comes from a video entitled, “My Abortion Experience as a Freshman | Abortion Pill.” In comments to the video, a woman named Brittany claims she obtained abortion pills from Planned Parenthood as a freshman in college.
Brittany described her abortion experience in the video in some disturbing ways, even though she claims she does not regret her abortion:
- “I did not realize how much pain it was going to be.”
- “At first it felt like really bad cramps…it just started getting worse and worse….”
- “The pain of it was just ridiculous – I completely regret not taking the pain meds…. I was in so much pain.”
- “I couldn’t walk – I couldn’t talk….”
READ: Woman bled 40 days from abortion pill: It was ‘like the scene of a murder’

Brittanys Room abortion story from YouTube as freshman (Image: Screen from YouTube video)
While Brittany admitted to emotional and physical struggles when she discovered her pregnancy, she also detailed her emotional state after the abortion:
- “I was so depressed.”
- “It was so bad that I wasn’t eating. My nails turned blue…. None of my clothes fit me because I lost so mush weight…. I was failing all my classes…. It was just a really bad time.”
- “At one point – like – I felt the embryo come out…. I just picked it up and flushed it, I didn’t know what else to do….”
Women on college campus need real solutions and support, not pills they take all alone. And yet, there is a movement to force publicly funded colleges and universities in California to offer the abortion pill on campus to pregnant women. SB320, as the bill was dubbed, was vetoed by the state’s pro-abortion Governor Jerry Brown, but lawmakers are still trying to get it passed.
The abortion pill process is explained by Dr. Anthony Levatino in the video below:
READ: Hey, Teen Vogue, these 15 women say taking the abortion pill is nothing like having a period
Another 20-year-old YouTuber, who claims that she was on “birth control” for some time, said that she paid Planned Parenthood $350 for the abortion pill when she became pregnant, but her baby survived. “You get no refund,” if it fails, she emphasized. The three-part series is titled, “My Miracle Baby After Taking Abortion Pill.”
“At this point” of taking the abortion pill, she says, “the baby is seven weeks old.” She reasoned at the time, “It’s probably not a baby yet, it’s just a mass of cells, it’s nothing.” Which, of course, isn’t true:
She begins by emotionally introducing her 5 month old son: “I didn’t know that I wanted him at the time I got pregnant and I made a rash decision to get the abortion pill.” According to her story, after she took the second pill in the abortion pill regimen, she immediately began to bleed:
It was within ten minutes I was bleeding… It was so painful… it was more like contractions… And it was a bloody horror show…. It was so much blood…. I was passing blood clots the size of golf balls that could literally fit in your hand…. It was a lot of blood and a lot of clots and it was very traumatizing. And I was in a lot of pain. And instantly, I regretted my decision. And instantly I felt so guilty….
She adds, “… I bled for 2 weeks after taking the pills. I didn’t go back for the ultrasound because I was sure it had worked….”
Her testimony also states, “I became really really depressed…. It got so bad to the point that I didn’t trust myself being alone…. I didn’t feel safe being by myself because of the guilt I was having…. I just felt so bad….”
She claims that a few months later she discovered she was still pregnant.

Women claims she took abortion pills and baby survived (Image: Screen shot from video)
“Moral of the story- it didn’t work, thank God,” she says. “And, he’s here and he’s healthy and he’s happy…. I didn’t think I would be able to care for a baby…. This just goes to show that you can do it, you can be a mom and you can have a baby…. Babies are the greatest thing ever. He has brought me so much happiness, so much love to my life, and I could not picture my life any way without him…. I love him more than life itself. I cannot even imagine if the pill would have worked, and I am so thankful that it didn’t. I am so thankful that I got a second chance at being a mom….”
“Babies… are just pure love,” she adds. “He really did change my life for the better.”
Editor’s Note: FDA has received reports of serious adverse events in women who took mifepristone. As of June 30, 2021, there were reports of 26 deaths of women associated with mifepristone since the product was approved in September 2000, including two cases of ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy located outside the womb, such as in the fallopian tubes) resulting in death; and several cases of severe systemic infection (also called sepsis), including some that were fatal. The adverse events cannot with certainty be causally attributed to mifepristone because of concurrent use of other drugs, other medical or surgical treatments, co-existing medical conditions, and information gaps about patient health status and clinical management of the patient. A summary report of adverse events that reflects data through June 30, 2021 is here.