I oppose abortion because I believe that every human being deserves to be treated with justice and respect, and that means honoring every human being’s right to life. This also means that I believe in being “whole life” – i.e., not just pro-life when it comes to the unborn, but pro-life when it comes to every stage of life, including the very old and the very sick.
That’s why I’m worried that the pro-life movement isn’t doing enough yet to oppose Question 2, which would legalize euthanasia (also known as physician-assisted suicide) in Massachusetts in some cases if voters approve it this November. We can expect to see more efforts like this one in the years ahead aimed at promoting early death for the elderly because the U.S. population is aging and health care is very expensive for the very old and very sick. That’s why it’s important that we stand up for the right to life for the elderly now, before harmful precedents are set which abuse and strip the elderly of their dignity and rights.
The main group opposing Question 2 is “No on 2”; you can check out their website HERE. Physicians for Compassionate Care also oppose euthanasia, as does the Catholic Church (and the Massachusetts Catholic Conference). There is also a website run by Massachusetts residents with disabilities who oppose Question 2.
There is hope that we can defeat this – Politico recently reported that Question 2 passing is “no sure thing”:
Massachusetts voters will decide in November if their state will be the third to allow physician-assisted suicide. A May poll found that 60 percent of registered Bay State voters back the idea across party lines. But Maine, California and Hawaii have all turned down proposals in the past, and Oregon voters rejected theirs before eventually approving it.
You can join the No on 2 Facebook page here and follow them on Twitter here.
Please pray, for the elderly and ill in Massachusetts, that their fellow citizens will vote this November to uphold their rights to be treated with respect and dignity, just as all human beings (born and unborn, sick and healthy) in Massachusetts and across the globe deserve to be treated!
And please join me in working to oppose euthanasia this November. Let’s get the word out to our friends and family in MA!