Church leaders wonder how they can address abortion in the church without crushing the spirits of the many post-abortive women sitting in the room. Unfortunately, many churches have often avoided the topic altogether, but a new curriculum from Care Net is designed to help churches effectively address the crisis of abortion.
If anyone knows how to address the issue of abortion in the church, it’s Care Net: “
Last fall, Care Net and Life Way Research “found that women go silently from the church to abortion clinics. Almost 4 in 10 women who have had an abortion were churchgoers when they had the abortion.”
The research also found that 35% of post-abortive women currently attend church once a week or more. Thus, church is the obvious place to reach women both as they consider abortion, and in ministering to those who have previously had abortions. And the new curriculum from Care Net seeks to reach this vast but underserved population in today’s churches.