Mark Crutcher of Life Dynamics released for the first time today all 813 calls his organization made to Planned Parenthood and National Abortion Federation clinics for their 2002 Child Predators investigation. In 2002, Crutcher‘s study found 91% of Planned Parenthood and NAF clinics willing to cover up statutory rape. His findings prompted then-Attorneys General Phill Kline of KS and Steve Carter of IN to launch their own investigations. In 2008 and 2009, Live Action‘s Mona Lisa Project corroborated Crutcher‘s study with visual evidence.
It’s instructive to compare the findings of Life Dynamics and Live Action at some of the clinics Live Action has visited recently:
Perth Amboy, NJ has been using the student fee scale to keep things looking “as legit as possible” for years:
CALLER: My friend also told me that you guys have to know that, how old my boyfriend is.
CLINIC: We don’t have to know any information about your boyfriend. Whoever’s giving you this information is misinforming you.
CLINIC: Okay? So you did the right thing by calling here.
CLINIC: We give you the accurate information. Don’t listen to your friends because they’re giving you misinformation, okay?
CALLER: Well, she said that —
CLINIC: We don’t have to know anything about your boyfriend.
CALLER: Okay. Well, what if my boyfriend’s not — like he’s paying for it, and he’s 22. He’s not a student anymore.
CLINIC: That’s fine. We still put you on a sliding scale fee. You know what I mean? So you just give us his info — we give you the paperwork. You put his income down. That’s it.
CLINIC: Okay? But if it’s easier for you to just keep it as a student fee, and that way he won’t be paying that much.
Bloomington, IN has been suggesting that minors go to Illinois for a parental consent-less abortion for quite a while, too:
CALLER: Well, if I do the judicial bypass do I need a lawyer?
CLINIC: You have to live in Monroe County.
CALLER: Oh, okay.
CLINIC: So that’s why I’m asking you. I don’t think Belmont is Monroe County. I’m pretty sure that’s Brown County. So basically what you’re going to have to do is either talk to your parents about this and get one of them to sign for you, or you’ll have to go to Illinois.
Birmingham, AL, where we were told Health Center Manager Dr. Desiree Bates “does bend the rules a little bit,” knew where to go to be sure to get a judicial bypass:
CALLER: Oh, okay. The thing is, I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend said that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just take care of it, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?
CLINIC: No, ma’am. You say you’re only 14 years old?
CALLER: Well, I’ll be 14 on the 19th.
CLINIC: No, ma’am. You have to be 18 without a parent.
CALLER: Okay. Is there any way not to have to tell my parents at all though?
CLINIC: Well, unless you get a judicial bypass.
CALLER: What is that?
CLINIC: It’s where you will go before a judge, and he’ll make the decision on whether or not you can make the decision on your own. But they’re not giving them in Birmingham.
CALLER: Oh, they’re not?
CLINIC: So you can try to call Tuscaloosa.
CALLER: Tuscaloosa?
CLINIC: Uh-huh. They’re doing it there.
Other clinics of note include Planned Parenthood‘s flagship Margaret Sanger Center on Bleecker St in New York City:
CALLER: She also said that I have to tell you guys — like he’s 22. The problem is I can’t tell my parents at all because they don’t like him because they say he’s too old for me. But there’s just no way that they can find out that we’re having sex.
CLINIC: Okay. That’s not going to be a problem here because we’re totally a confidential clinic.
And the Alameda clinic in San Jose, CA:
CLINIC: No. As a matter of fact, if you bring your boyfriend here they’re going to call the cops.
CLINIC: Because he’s 22 and you’re 14.
CALLER: Well, why would they call the cops? I mean —
CLINIC: Because we’re mandated to report. That’s called child abuse.
CALLER: He’s not abusing me. I mean, we’re in love. We’re going to get married and spend the rest of our lives together.
CLINIC: (pause) Um, let me see if I can make you an appointment, and you do not need a parent’s consent, and you do not need your boyfriend either.
CALLER: Oh, okay.
CLINIC: Hold on.
CALLER: He’d be the only way I could get here.
CLINIC: Okay. Hold on. (pause) Well, I won’t do that. Just, you know, I’m just letting you know what can happen.
CALLER: So I just shouldn’t bring my boyfriend then?
CLINIC: No, you can. But —
CALLER: But then he’d go to jail?
CLINIC: No, don’t let them know that he’s your boyfriend.
Everyone should be aware of how the abortion clinics in your area handle cases of child sexual abuse. Listen to the recordings from your city here.