This article first appeared at Priests For Life and reprinted with permission.
My mother was not only angry in 1950. She was pregnant and scared; seeking a D&C. Thank God my Granddaddy Dr. Martin Luther King, Sr. had seen me in a dream in 1947; and he was looking and waiting for me.
Granddaddy and Daddy promised to help Mother through that first unexpected pregnancy. I was born to A. D. and Naomi Ruth Barber King on January 22, 1951.
Over the years, Mother recovered from her anger, finding grace in Jesus Christ.
If my family had followed the abortion friendly path prescribed below, I and my siblings may never have been born.
“Feminist theologian” Kristine Holmgren writes at the Huffington Post: “If you were born before women had access to safe, affordable, accessible abortion, chances are your mother was an angry mother.” She argues that the use of abortion and contraception can eliminate “angry mothers” and concludes, “This Mothers Day, I challenge American women to renew their commitment to responsible, thoughtful motherhood. Let’s protect our liberties, reclaim safe, accessible abortion and contraception as our birthright. This year – let us commit to a new future and a new promise. No more angry mothers.”
During the years of my life, I made some scared and angry decisions, including having two of what was pitched to me as “safe, legal and rare abortions.” Those abortions cost me three lives including my subsequent miscarriage.
“Be angry and sin not!”
Anger is one thing, dead babies are quite another thing altogether. Over the years, I have come to understand that I never needed those abortions and miscarriage. I needed help.
Granddaddy MLK, Sr. rescued me again in 1975. He and my son’s father promised to help me if I wouldn’t abort my next baby. I believed them, thank God.
Planned Parenthood and the entire abortion industry are wrong. Abortion is not a Civil Right. A woman has a right to choose what she does with her body; the baby is not her body.
How can the dream survive if we murder our children?
Please believe me; abortion and harmful contraceptives are dream killers. Abortion doesn’t cure anger; abortion brings death and anguish.
If we really want to help angry mothers and their children, we must offer them love, not abortion.
Choose life.