Delaware native Caitlin Jane continues to raise awareness for the vulnerable with the release of her new single “Sing Over Us” from her second album Coming Season. In addition to her love for the unborn, Caitlin is a proud advocate for children living in poverty, and her new single is a powerful testimony to that.
After the success of her pro-life anthem “Unborn” in 2010, the singer/songwriter hopes “Sing Over Us” will encourage others to “say yes to investing in LIFE” and will raise awareness for the need to build personal relationships with those who are less privileged.
For 11 years, Caitlin has joined an enthusiastic list of artists who endorse and promote Compassion International’s efforts of “releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.” The non-profit is a Christian based poverty relief organization where more than 80% of the funds donated go directly to aiding children and families in need.
While in the Dominican Republic attending a conference held by Compassion, the artist was moved to sponsor a young girl whose information was passed around the tour bus one morning. “Her face just spoke to my heart… sponsoring her was one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life.” Later that day, Caitlin had the joy of personally informing her sponsor child that she was going to be the one to help make a positive impact in her life. “From that day until now, our relationship has grown through beautiful letters and prayers. She is so special to me and such an important person in my life.”
It was during this same trip that the inspiration for “Sing Over Us” came. A friend shared Zephaniah 3:17 with Caitlin: “For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a Mighty Savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With His love He will calm all your fears, He will rejoice over you with joyful songs”.
“I wonder what it really means for God to sing over us?” her friend reflected. Struck by her friend’s words, Caitlin was reminded of her new sponsor child and how the Lord was singing over her life at that very moment, though she lived in a location plagued with poverty, crime and a lack of hope. “The lyrics just flowed onto my journal in that moment and I recorded the tune into an mp3 recorder that night. When I returned to the U.S., I finished the song.”
Caitlin Jane is hopeful that the song will inspire many to fight both domestic and foreign poverty in all its forms. In a world which focuses on convenient relationships, “Sing Over Us” shatters this mentality by promoting the joy that comes with developing relationships with individuals from all walks of life – especially those more vulnerable than us.
God has not forgotten His children- whether they are in the womb or in poverty, He loves each one of His children more than we can ever imagine, and He calls us to rise up to protect innocent little lives, investing in them and reinforcing their dignity and worth.
To learn more about Caitlin and her music ministry, please visit .