While polls indicate that the American public is reacting strongly against Planned Parenthood, as evidence of its illegal and unethical behavior continues to surface, the mainstream media are largely silent.
According to the picture painted by most news groups, more people seem to be upset about Tom Brady’s suspension being overturned than Planned Parenthood’s illegal sale of baby body parts and its support for infanticide and partial-birth abortion. Don’t get me wrong – as a Broncos fan, I’m a little perturbed about Brady getting away with cheating, but I don’t consider it more newsworthy than my tax dollars funding illegal and barbaric activity. And I don’t think most Americans do, either.
According to a recent poll, 44 percent of Americans who have seen the videos from The Center for Medical Progress said their views towards Planned Parenthood were more negative after seeing the evidence. And maybe that’s why the pro-abortion mainstream media refuse to report on this issue.
According to Newsbusters, before today, The Center for Medical Progress has released 16 hours, 11 minutes and 35 seconds of footage exposing Planned Parenthood’s practice of harvesting aborted baby parts— not including shorter feature videos. ABC, NBC, and CBS have aired only one minute and 13 seconds of these videos (with audio) during their news programs. In other words, the broadcast networks have played 0.125 percent of the total footage released by CMP.
While mainstream media continue to ignore the growing scandal surrounding Planned Parenthood, it becomes our duty to share the news. Through social media and by word-of-mouth, more and more Americans are becoming aware of the unacceptable actions of Planned Parenthood, and they are calling for an end to the forced taxpayer funding of the abortion giant.