Live Action Announces its 2015 ‘Take Flight for Life’ Giveaway: A Trip for Two to Washington, DC for the March for Life this January
December 3, 2014
CONTACT: Becky Yeh,
Washington, DC – Live Action today announced its “Take Flight for Life” giveaway which is an opportunity for pro-lifers from across the country to win prizes including two round-trip airline tickets to the 2015 March for Life in Washington, DC, a hotel room for two nights, and Live Action swag.
Live Action president Lila Rose said that, “Marching with thousands for the right to life of every child is a powerful and inspiring experience, and sends the message to our nation's leaders that these children deserve our respect and protection. I am excited to meet the winners of the contest this January as they join us for the events of the March. My hope is that each person leaves the March more committed and determined than before to be an advocate for the most defenseless.”
The March for Life is the largest pro-life event in the world. The peaceful demonstration has taken place every year since 1973 on the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision legalizing abortion. It bears witness to the truth that all people, no matter how small, have a right to life and that abortion is the greatest human rights violation of our era.
Winners will be announced on December 24th, as the website notes, “just in time for the prize to be a special Christmas gift.” The March for Life theme for this January is “Every Life is a Gift” and will focus on preserving the lives of babies who receive a poor prenatal prognosis.
Rose stated, “This year is special because we are focusing on a group of children who are much more likely to be killed in the womb than healthy children, so they need our voice all the more. I look forward to highlighting the worth and dignity of these precious babies in special way this January." Winners of the giveaway will have the opportunity to march with Lila Rose and Live Action for the 2015 March for Life.
Live Action is a new media movement dedicated to building a culture of life and ending abortion, the greatest human rights injustice of our time. We use powerful and dynamic media platforms to educate the public about the humanity of preborn children and investigative journalism to expose threats against the vulnerable and defenseless.