Today, Live Action President Lila Rose put out a memo to members of Congress – including Speaker of the House John Boehner and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – urging them to fully investigate and completely redirect the taxpayer funding of America’s abortion giant.
Rose emphasizes the horrors committed inside Planned Parenthood facilities, including the barbaric killing and illegal abandonment of babies born alive after attempted abortions, writing:
It is unconscionable that taxpayers are still being forced to fund the chief provider of abortions in America, despite the vast body of evidence proving their continual abuses and illicit activities. … We urge you to further review the myriad of abuses committed at Planned Parenthood clinics around the nation and take action on behalf of American taxpayers, women and children.
Rose says that taxpayer dollars should, instead, be redirected to facilities that provide real healthcare to women:
The over half a billion dollars Planned Parenthood receives annually would be put to far better use at local hospitals and clinics that provide more comprehensive health services to women and aren’t involved in such abuses.
Speaking of one particular abuse that took place at a San Jose Planned Parenthood abortion mill, where a baby boy was born alive after an abortion and then killed. Rose states:
Medical research is never advanced on the broken bodies of intentionally killed human beings. This boy – and others like him – have been brutalized, even after being born alive. Instead of following California and federal law, which required Planned Parenthood to treat this baby boy as any other prematurely born infant – with medical care – technicians in the Planned Parenthood facility sliced into this child’s face to harvest his brain and then threw his body into trash. While his legs and feet dangled, O’Donnell described how she had to lift the lid of the trash can to push the baby boy all the way in.
Rose also emphasizes that Planned Parenthood’s taxpayer funding must be redirected, due to its violation of multiple federal laws and regulations. As a highly taxpayer-funded organization, Planned Parenthood must be stopped by Congress in its blood-soaked tracks, and prevented from committing further atrocities through the complete and immediate redirection of funds to health clinics that truly serve women.
Rose addresses claims made by Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards, noting that it is “astounding” that Richards did not address the fate of infants who are born alive inside Planned Parenthood clinics.
She also narrows in on Richards’ false claim to Congress that Planned Parenthood receives nothing but reimbursement costs for the baby body parts they harvest, stating:
Additionally, while Ms. Richards asserts that “affiliates report that these amounts were intended to recover only their costs,” her own executives disagree with her — and quite blatantly. Dr. Mary Gatter, President of Planned Parenthood’s Medical Directors’ Council and Medical Director of Planned Parenthood Pasadena and San Gabriel Valley, discussed the baby body part business at Planned Parenthood’s Los Angeles clinic. She said, “[L]ogistically it was very easy for us, we didn’t have to do anything. There was compensation for this.”
Not having to do anything and yet being compensated does not ring of recovering costs as Ms. Richards asserts. What reasonable costs, exactly, are associated with doing nothing?
Richards’ letter demonstrates a lack of reliability throughout, giving yet another reason why women cannot trust Planned Parenthood.
Please do not give up on the one million Americans Live Action represents through our supporters, or the tens of millions of pro-life Americans, who want to see women cared for and children protected. Planned Parenthood must be called to account for their violations of law – perhaps most horrifyingly, their almost-certain violation of the federal Born-Alive Infant Protection Act. As these born-alive babies are persons under federal law, they are deserving of real legal protections – something Planned Parenthood undoubtedly fails to give them.
To read the letter in its entirety, visit this page.