I love words. I’m a writer but also an avid reader. When it comes to reading, I don’t play favorites. I’ll read cereal boxes, bumper stickers, gum wrappers, and t-shirts worn by strangers in the supermarket. Maybe I’m curious, nosy, or just genuinely interested in what others have to say.
As a communications major in college, I studied advertisements and their effect on audiences. From the “Go Green” group to the “Coexist” camp, everyone seems to have a message these days. While some messages are quickly read, then forgotten, others have a way of sticking with you.
As pro-lifers, we have a valuable and necessary message to share with the world. We seek to protect the lives of unborn children. We know abortion is a destructive act that hurts men and women. We grieve the loss of one fourth of our generation and don’t want to lose any more. We lift our voices, because even if our message isn’t always popular, it’s important.
To reach our fast-paced, creative society with impacting truth, we need unique ways to share our message. While graphs and statistics can drive home points, movies, music, fashion, and art can be used to open hearts in unique ways. I’m passionate about reaching young people with the truth about abortion. This is why I am sharing the best I’ve found in pro-life fashion.
Before I share the list, I’ll let you know why I think pro-life fashion is awesome. First of all, pro-life clothes are an easy conversation-starter. You may be afraid to share your opinions about abortion with the lady behind the Forever21 counter or the guys on your basketball team. Wearing a bold t-shirt gives you a voice even when you’re not speaking. People who are interested in what you are wearing will ask you about it. Trust me. Some may argue, shoot you a dirty look, or lift one finger your way, but even disagreement can be an open door for discussion.
Secondly, pro-life products can save lives. I’ve heard numerous stories of ladies who saved their babies after seeing a “sign” in the form of a pro-life bumper sticker or bracelet. There are conflicted people out there who want answers but don’t know where to go. When you wear a pro-life piece of clothing, you’re letting others know you care about the very thing they may be dealing with. Some people just need an encouraging word, even if it’s on a sweater or hat. If you’re gonna wear words on a shirt, you might as well make them count for something more than the latest trend. I searched through pages of designs and websites to find shirts with relevant pro-life messages that are cool, well-made, and reasonably priced. Here’s the best I’ve found.
Choose Life T: “JCLU Forever” has a long-sleeve fleece Choose Life women’s sweatshirt in purple, black, and aqua. I love the way the designers describe it.
“Choose Life is inspired by Jeremiah 1:5 and has it written on the sleeve. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” A message about God’s purpose in your life. God’s plan for your life began before you we’re conceived. It is indeed a pro-life shirt.”
I Survived Tee: “Stand True” has a shirt with the words, “I survived Roe vs. Wade, Roe vs. Wade will not survive me.” When you wear this shirt, you’re saying you will do what it takes to make sure abortion ends in your lifetime. It even comes in onesies for babies. As I read through the comments left by satisfied customers, I found these anonymous statements:
“Everyone loved this shirt when I wore it. They mentioned that it was very powerful. I really recommend this if your looking to make a quiet but powerful statement of your beliefs.”
“I think the fact that the statement is simple gets more people’s attention. A lot of people come up and ask me about it and I try to tell them the best I can.”
Latinos for Life Tee: “Bound4Life” has a Spanish shirt that proclaims, “Soy Latina. Soy Pro-Vida.” Hispanics are now the largest minority in America. Latinos are known for large families that are full of love. Latino leaders are taking a stand against abortion in their communities. This shirt can be a powerful tool in their fight for life.
Pro-Life Politics Tee: Ronald Reagan once said, “I’ve noticed that everybody that is for abortion has already been born.” This beloved political leader has a message that’s worth repeating. Wearing this men’s t-shirt from c28.com can take Reagan’s words to a new generation.
Conversation-Starter Tee: This shirt from Abort73 has a picture of a gun with the words, “Would it bother us more if they used guns?” This tee touches on a hot-button topic of our time. As the president battles for gun control to protect our children, we understand that abortion kills more kids yearly than anything else. How can we grieve the loss of children outside the womb while overlooking the ones inside? It takes courage to wear a shirt like this.
The Adoption Matters Tee: If you have a heart for adoption, this is a simple way to show it. This kiwi-green shirt from “Rock for Life” says, “Adoption Saves Lives.” That may be just what someone needs to read to help him or her make the right choice.
The Gendercide Tee: The design explanation for Abort73’s Stop Global Gendercide shirt is this: “Abortion is championed as a fundamental right for women, but around the world, abortion is decimating the female population. ‘Gendercide’ is a term that refers to the systematic killing of a specific sex–in this case, females. Globally, abortion and infanticide are driving this assault. By latest estimates, men now outnumber women by at least 100 million (and counting). “
There are many more powerful tees out there, but I wanted to just get you started. Pick the message that moves your heart, and share it with the world around you! Or come up with your own design, get it printed, and use fashion as a tool to promote life in a culture that values death.