Unfortunately, as pro-life parents, we know all too well that our children are not being raised in a culture that values life. Babies are aborted left and right, often with no reason other than that they simply weren’t “convenient.” Elderly people are no longer honored and respected. In some cases, they are left to die while we call ourselves “merciful.” Our culture is, in many ways, self-centered and apt to enjoy violence while freely supporting the destruction of those things or people we don’t agree with. What’s a pro-life parent to do? How do we encourage our children to value life and speak out for it?
First of all, there is good news for this current generation. The tide is turning in the hearts of young people – they are choosing the pro-life side. Many wonder if it was truly right for their potential friends, cousins, and neighbors to have been aborted. Many understand that the peace they so desperately seek cannot be found on the side of death. But there is still peer pressure. There is still the idea that to be successful, you cannot have a baby “dragging you down.” There is still the societal idea that we ought to think of ourselves and our own dreams ahead of anyone else – including an innocent, helpless baby. There is still a great lack of personal responsibility and the willingness to accept the consequences of the choices we make.
Well, fellow pro-life parents, there is hope! We are not left without a way to lead our children to life. First, I believe that it will speak volumes to our children that we chose life for them, regardless of our circumstances or the timing of their conception. I also believe that we must start educating our children at a young age on the worth of every person and every person’s equal right to life. Children are never too young to learn that life is precious. And teaching our children the value of life will lead them not only to reject abortion. It will also lead them to reject suicide and other unnecessary violence. If life is precious, no one has the right to destroy it to make his or her own life easier.
In my personal opinion, young children do not need to be shown photos of aborted babies to understand the seriousness of abortion. Sometimes, those photos – while realistic – are too much for little minds to handle. We do not want to scare our children by showing them everything violent that happens in this world and not allowing kids to be kids. Kids ought to experience peace and fun and not be exposed to too much evil too early on.
As pro-life parents, we need to be creative. How can we show children the value and preciousness of life without exposing them too early to the violence and destruction that goes hand-in-hand with abortion? We should never lie to our children – some are ready earlier than others to know the entire truth. But rather than showing them dying, bleeding, cut-up babies, perhaps we should focus on an unborn child’s development and beautiful photos of life in the womb so our children never doubt the scientific realities of life. If we show them life at its earliest stages, they will not be persuaded so easily that an unborn child is only “potential” life. Expose children to these kind of amazing true stories. Check out these sites for photos, information, an amazing book, and videos that might be helpful for children.
My mother always taught me to have compassion for the women who have abortions and not to condemn them. Several people in my extended family and some of my mom’s good friends have had abortions. Yet instead of condemning these women, my mom sought to help them through their pain. I have always admired her for that and have believed that it is much better to care for women and the babies. Pro-life parents should never compromise on the truth, but we should never neglect compassion, either.
I believe that it is very important to bring our children along and involve them in pro-life work. Here are a few ideas. Please share any you have in the comments below.
- Conduct a diaper, formula, blanket, or other drive for your local pregnancy center. (Just look up “pregnancy center” along with your city and state on Google or Bing.)
- Go together to your church and pray for abortion to end. When you make a special point to go somewhere to pray or have a special family meeting, your children are likely to remember.
- Create a pro-life video or graphic together.
- Write a letter to unborn babies and imagine what they need to hear from someone who loves them.
- Make a poster about the development of unborn children.
- Pass out flyers for a pro-life campaign.
- Write a letter, thanking your local pregnancy center or pro-life organization for their work.
- Get involved with Babies of Juarez.
- Raise money for or otherwise help Save the Storks.
- Write a story or essay about why life is precious, no matter its age, circumstances, or condition.
- Ask your local pro-life organization for ideas.
In the end, if pro-life parents are truthful, passionate, creative, caring, prayerful, and active, I believe we will go a long way in leading our children to life.
One last suggestion: order this book for your children!

Order here: Justice Loves Babies