Comparing a dead baby to meat stewing in a crockpot until it’s tender, late-term abortionist, LeRoy Carhart is clothed in garments of shame and destruction of preborn babies–even the viable ones. Live Action’s Inhuman investigation revealed Carhart’s ease of killing. In his own words, he made it clear he was helping end a baby’s life:
Dr. Carhart: It gets soft – like, mushy – so you push it through.
Woman: So what makes the baby “mushy”?
Dr. Carhart: The fact that it’s not alive for 2 or 3 days.
Woman: Oh. So I’ll have a dead baby in me?
Dr. Carhart: For 3 days, yeah… It’s like putting meat in a crock pot, okay? … It gets softer. It doesn’t get infected or–
Woman: OK, so the dead baby in me is like meat in a crock pot.
Dr. Carhart: Pretty much, yeah … in a slow cooker.
Carhart, now 76, is a retired Air Force surgeon who began his late-term abortion business “at his clinic near Omaha in 2009 after George Tiller, a mentor who performed the procedures, was assassinated while attending church in Wichita.”
His website describes all his abortion procedures, with “induction” abortion being the method used for very late-term babies, most viable — and some even third trimester. The website description of this is clearly a description of willfully killing a baby.
This willful ending of a baby’s life is not something he hides, though. As he explains to a woman with a likely-viable baby that he can do her late-term abortion in Maryland–even though she admits it’s “purely elective”:
Dr. Carhart: So, um, they’ve got this down as a fetal indication. There’s nothing wrong with the baby that you know of, is there?
Woman: Not that I know of.
Dr. Carhart: OK, I don’t know where that came from or how that got in here…
Woman: Does that mean, fetal indication?
Dr. Carhart: Means there’s something wrong with the baby and that’s why you’re terminating.
Woman: Yeah. No. Dr. Carhart: This is just purely elective.
Woman: Purely, this is what I wanna do.
Dr. Carhart: And here we cannot do it, but in Maryland we can do it…
Woman: So, a baby at this age, what am I, 26 weeks?
Dr. Carhart: 26.
Woman: Could not survive? If it was delivered?
Dr. Carhart: If it came out, oh yeah, it probably–probably could, probably. It would be a 50/50 thing, probably.
Woman: Oh, oh, OK.
Dr. Carhart: But we’re OK, we can do by law in Maryland, we can go to 28 weeks.
This is what a baby looks like at 27 weeks:
He even makes jokes about breaking up the baby into pieces:
Woman: But if we run into trouble … for some reason, I’m not able to deliver, you’ll be able to get it out in pieces.
Dr. Carhart: We’d take it out…
Woman: What do you use to break it up? Just–
Dr. Carhart: A whole bunch of–
Woman: You’ve got a toolkit.
Dr. Carhart: A pickaxe, a drill bit, yeah (laughs).
It’s a crass joke, but he explains there are various “instruments” to help make sure the baby pieces come out. The woman asks if there is a chance there could be a hand left inside or something. Carhart says, “I would certainly tell you we will do everything and our best to be sure there’s nothing left behind.”
Woman: … so it’s just like a normal delivery.
Dr. Carhart: Except the baby’s not alive.
Woman: OK. So the baby’s dead.
Dr Carhart: And what makes it safer is the fact that I only have you to worry about.
Of course he only has her to worry about. By his own admission, her baby has already died.