Kansas has been a great state for the pro-life cause this year. In addition to passing the nation’s first abortion dismemberment ban, Kansas reacted strongly to the Planned Parenthood videos showing the illegal selling of the body parts of aborted babies. Not only did Governor Sam Brownback open an investigation into Planned Parenthood, Kansas became one of multiple states that moved to defund the abortion mill as well.
And President Obama, one of Planned Parenthood’s largest supporters, may be punishing Kansas in return.
Kansas has lost the federal planning money it stripped from Planned Parenthood and another unaffiliated clinic since winning its legal fight to defund the organization.
The federal government reduced its Title X funding to the state by about the $370,000 annually in Title X money that two Planned Parenthood facilities in Wichita and Hays and an unaffiliated clinic in Dodge City had been receiving.
Medical providers say that means low-income patients are finding it harder to access birth control, cancer screenings and other reproductive health care services.
It’s worth pointing out that Kansas is not depriving women of vital reproductive services, as abortion activists will undoubtedly claim. Instead of funding Planned Parenthood, $300,000 will go to local health clinics, and another $300,000 will go towards pregnancy support and adoption counseling. Despite what Planned Parenthood’s defenders claim, women do not need Planned Parenthood to receive health care services — Planned Parenthood’s legitimate health care services like cancer screenings have been slashed anyway — and the only service Planned Parenthood provides that health care clinics do not is abortion.
The priorities are overwhelmingly obvious. The Obama administration has absolutely no problem whatsoever of depriving women of necessary health care if it means retribution for a state that will no longer fund one of Obama’s biggest political allies.
Kansas, however, is putting more money towards legitimate health care for low-income women. It is utterly chilling how far defenders of the abortion industry will go, and how many innocent people they will punish, to ensure that abortion continues on, unfettered and taxpayer-funded.