Earlier today, a commenter on the pro-abortion site, Mother Jones “Marcus_from_the_North” said:
I like my aborted fetus’s with fave beans and a glass of Chianti…
Mmmm Fetus’s

Will you be having the Embryo salad with that, sir?
Apart from the obvious disgust, it makes me wonder how we ever reach people like this — people who don’t just see the abortion of a child as a “necessary evil” but openly mock the life cut short.
After a short look at other comments from “Marcus_from_the_North” it became clear that the unborn child was not the only person this individual held with contempt. The poster also recently commented that he would like to “Drop a ‘Daisy Cutter’ on FOX News.” “Daisy cutter” is a nickname for a type of bomb known for flattening forests and people. He expressed anti-Christian bigotry, saying
Christians have the same contempt and zeal for human life as does a tic, a leach or a health care insurance salesman ..
What in Marcus’ value system makes it okay to speak in such hateful and violent ways? Marcus describes himself as a “liberal” in one comment, but I know that even most liberals who oppose the right-to-life of unborn humans do not share the same vitriolic attitudes.
Often people like Marcus cannot be reached even by the soundest arguments, especially online, because they are blinded by prejudice. That is why it is important that we engage people offline where it would be much harder for someone like Marcus to get so unhinged. It is important to foster personal relationships with people so that trust can be built which helps combat personal biases one may have concerning the issue of human abortion.
How would you reach someone like Marcus? Can he be reached or should we invest our time in people who actually want a reasonable discussion?