What would an abortion supporter do if she opened her Facebook account on February 13 only to find that the majority of her friends had changed their profile picture to the same pro-life photo?
This is exactly what Suzanne Bilodeau and Mike Gearing are trying to make happen with their recently formed “I am For Life” Facebook page and event, scheduled to coincide with the next 40 Days for Life campaign. They’ve made a video explaining the campaign:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UINaFWlkfc&w=560&h=315]
Suzanne explained to me her thoughts about the campaign:
[I]n a world today that puts so much emphasize on valuing individualism and one’s “rights”, I believe that people are too afraid of offending others by saying that they choose life. They fear that people will think they don’t support women and don’t support women’s rights. Yet this is a myth that we, the pro-life community, need to eliminate. We absolutely support women and their rights. We support their right to vote, their right to education, their right to a career, their right to many things.
The reason behind their message (“I am for our children, I am for our women, I am for LIFE”) is “to express that we are FOR our women just as much as we are FOR our unborn children, but being FOR anyone of any race, sex or age cannot come at the expense of any other life, especially our most helpless.”
Mike, as a former abortion supporter, said that “[l]ooking at the issue from that angle, I thought, who would want to limit someone in their personal choice? I believed everyone should do what makes them happy. I wasn’t actually looking critically at the consequences of abortion. Our culture teaches us that having a specific position on right and wrong is close minded – that it is all relative. Finally opening my mind to the position of pro-life, I realized I had been valuing the idea of choice in a vacuum – I wasn’t thinking critically about the consequences for both the mother and child.”
Suzanne hopes to encourage as many people as possible to be a part of this campaign. She says, “[W]e hope that people will feel more compelled to express their love for ALL LIFE in a space like social media platforms such as Facebook or Twitter. Maybe people will take notice of friends or family that they didn’t yet realize were advocates for life and get them to come out from behind the curtains to also proclaim they too are pro-life.”
To help spread the word that as pro-lifers we are for children, women, and life, make this picture your profile picture on Facebook and Twitter starting on February 13!
To participate, one can visit their Facebook page here and Twitter page here, and can RSVP to the Facebook event. This is your chance to spread the word that pro-lifers are for all life!