Canada’s “ACTIVE-8” Campaign has the motto “I can make a difference“. In the last 2 years, the organization has brought together 16 young Atlantic Canadians who are an “inspiration for all of us who dream of a better world.” Together, these 16 ambassadors have contributed 5,433 acts toward the common good.
Right now, these ambassadors are competing for a $1,000 scholarship by rallying people to “pledge” for them. Each candidate has chosen a platform to run on by selecting an issue they feel strongly about, and will use the award toward.

Kandace Hagen
The leading candidate at this moment is Kandace Hagen, who wants to make abortion accessible to women of Prince Edward Island, the only province in Canada without it. She stated that:
“The declaration of female reproduction justice has been ringing so clearly these past few years as we continue to take strides to claim control of every aspect of ourselves.”
In 2011, Kandace co-founded PRRO, a pro-abortion group with the mission to “inform residents of PEI [Prince Edward Island] what reproductive rights women are entitled to, but are currently being denied.” Is Kandace truly making a difference in her community and making the world a better place by fighting to bring abortion to Prince Edward Island? I think not. Abortion hurts women, not helps them.
Instead of voting to bring abortion to PEI, I recommend voting for Tara Brinston, a candidate wanting to bring awareness to those with intellectual disabilities. She is proud to be a part of something bigger than herself, and stated:
“I envision a world that celebrates everyone’s individual gifts and embraces the diversity that is humanity.”
She recognizes the beauty in each human life, and works to uphold that in her everyday work. This, I believe, would make MUCH more of a difference than bringing abortion to PEI.
Good news! Anyone can vote (pledge) for the winner of this competition! Tara has about 450 votes to pass Kandace, and voting ends tomorrow (Wednesday) at 11:59pm….can we make it happen? Vote here for Tara, and share this story so abortion can stay out of Prince Edward Island!