President Donald Trump made multiple pro-life promises while campaigning, and pro-lifers are there to hold him accountable to these promises while offering insight and encouragement along the way. Governor Sam Brownback (R-KS) addressed an informative letter last week to President Trump, as well as to Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY).
In his letter, Gov. Brownback encourages passage of the following pieces of legislation, many of which President Trump has mentioned support for:
- Defunding Planned Parenthood, which Kansas has done, sending the money to other qualified health centers, as federal legislation would do. Brownback mentions the trafficking of aborted baby body parts and was among those who called for investigating abortion giant Planned Parenthood following such revelations.
- Pain Capable Act, which has passed in 18 states so far.
- Dismemberment Abortion Ban, which first passed in Kansas.
- Sex-Selective Abortion Ban, which has also passed in Kansas.
Toward the end of his letter, Brownback references Mother Teresa, who took in children their mothers would have otherwise aborted. He mentions that his own family has adopted children and, along with their birth mothers, given them a chance at life. However, Gov. Brownback’s letter largely touches upon American principles and scientific advances to advocate for the right to life. “There are few things more essential to the identity of America than the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” Brownback writes. “The most fundamental of these natural rights is listed first—the right to life.”
Brownback affirms that “now science confirms what many knew by instinct—that life begins at conception.” He speaks of the awe-inspiring 4-D ultrasound and later powerfully notes:
With modern science and technology, the humanity of unborn children cannot be denied. The majority of Americans believe that abortion is morally wrong. While abortion stops one heart, it breaks another.
The governor’s letter also mentions a Marist poll that has consistently shown support for pro-life policies among varying demographics, political affiliation, and views on abortion. A new poll was recently released at the beginning of February 2017.
Brownback references Kansas as “a Culture of Life state.” Americans United for Life ranked Kansas the second most pro-life state for 2016, as it did the year before, and included Kansas in its list of 2017 all-star states.
Prior to serving as governor, Brownback was in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate, where he supported several pieces of pro-life legislation and had a 100-percent rating from the National Right to Life Committee, which also endorsed him for governor. A 2015 list of 100 most influential pro-lifers from Newsmax ranked him number 32. Brownback has been honored by NRLC and the National Pro-Life Religious Council for his commitment to ending dismemberment abortions.
In the video below, former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino describes what happens in a dismemberment abortion, through the use of non-graphic medical animation: