Planned Parenthood commits more abortions per year than any other chain of abortion facilities. Despite this, the organization maintains that abortion comprises only 3 percent of its services, a claim that has been debunked numerous times, as in this article in the Washington Post. You can see a video explaining how Planned Parenthood comes up with the misleading figure below:
Former abortion facility director Abby Johnson had good intentions when she began working at Planned Parenthood. After observing the way the abortion chain worked, her feelings began to change. In her book The Walls are Talking, she writes:
When the nation’s largest abortion provider claimed that abortion represented only 3% of the services provided, I doggedly embraced that “fact”…
The longer I was a part of the industry and the deeper I delved into the inner workings of the clinic, both medical and financial, even I found that fact impossible to believe. I knew what brought women to our clinic, and I knew exactly what “services” we were providing. The numbers simply didn’t add up. When I went to my supervisors about this, I was instantly shot down. Instead of brainstorming with me about ways to reduce abortions, they talked of budgets and the need to increase our cash flow. The way we did that? Abortion.
As Johnson discovered, abortion as a huge money-maker for Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood has been shown to use manipulative tactics during abortion ‘counseling,” lies about fetal development, and in rare cases, outright coercion in order to compel women to have abortions.
When Abby Johnson witnessed the abortion of a 13-week-old preborn baby on ultrasound, she was converted to the pro-life cause. She now uses the insider knowledge she gained by working for Planned Parenthood to fight the abortion industry.
Source: Abby Johnson The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories (San Francisco, CA: Ignatius Press, 2016) 69