Human Interest

WATCH: Five-year-old Brianna has Trisomy 18, and her life is bringing hope to families

When Phil and Elisabeth Scott went into the hospital to give birth to their daughter Brianna, they hadn’t even purchased a bassinet to bring their daughter home. Instead, the couple had been shopping for tiny coffins.

Brianna had received a prenatal diagnosis of Trisomy 18, and her parents had been told she likely wouldn’t live long after birth. Despite the painful news they received when Elisabeth was 20 weeks pregnant, she emphasized that they never considered aborting their preborn baby girl. “There was no question for Phil and I whether or not termination was on the table, because it wasn’t,” Elisabeth said in a recent Live Action video.

Remarkably, Brianna defied the odds. As Phil and Elisabeth shared in a previous Live Action News interview, she received immediate medical intervention following birth, including surgery from a doctor who had previously worked with Trisomy 18 babies.


“I can’t relive this without getting teary-eyed and choking up just because of how amazing God has been through this entire thing,” said Phil. “… The doctor came and he was excited to perform the surgery. He had performed the surgery on three other children with Trisomy 18. Two were successful and one was not, and unfortunately, all three of those children didn’t live to be more than a month. And so he was excited to try it again and to help one of these children to live.”

The surgery was a success, and Brianna was eventually able to go home with her parents and big sisters.

“Now she’s almost five years old, and she wasn’t expected to be here longer than a few days maybe. She just blossomed. She’s going to therapy and enjoying life with her sisters,” Elisabeth said.

When shared on the Live Action YouTube page, Brianna’s story sparked comments from viewers who were inspired by the message of love expressed by her parents.

“One of my cousins was born with Trisomy 18,” said @khfan4life365. “The doctors expected her to only live a year. She’s turning 33 this year. She cannot walk, talk, or eat without a feeding tube, but she’s one of the happiest, most innocent people I know. Always smiling and making joyful cooing noises when she sees her family. Our lives would be empty without her. She’s not just some disabled person. She has a soul. She’s able in the Lord.”
Another viewer said the story gave her hope, as she’s dealing with a prenatal diagnosis. “You have no idea how touching this testimony is. I’m currently in my third trimester and it’s being suspected that my unborn child might have osteogenesis imperfecta due to a mutation. It’s also called brittle bone disease,” said @lavenderandgold8588. “The genetic counselor even recommended terminating the pregnancy at 24 weeks and I said no. I could never do something like that knowing God has been forming this little baby in my womb. I don’t know what the future holds exactly but I know God can work through situations like this. His plans are always better than ours, that’s for sure.”

Phil and Elisabeth said that Brianna’s life is full and beautiful, in part because of the love she receives from her family and caregivers. Their message is one of hopefulness, especially in a society that actively advocates for the killing of preborn children like Brianna.

“The world is surrounded with why it won’t work, and you need to know that it can,” Elisabeth said.

Urge Walmart, Costco, Kroger, and other major chains to resist pressure to dispense the abortion pill

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