When Tara and Brian’s daughter Delilah was born on November 20, 2019, they expected to only have a short time with their newborn daughter. Instead, they were able to bring their miracle baby home for Thanksgiving.
Delilah was prenatally diagnosed with skeletal dysplasia and dwarfism. Her parents were told that she wouldn’t survive very long after being born, if she made it through birth. Many parents in this situation are advised to abort or are made to feel that the situation is hopeless.
Tara and Brian reached out to Sufficient Grace Ministries, whose mission is to provide “perinatal hospice support for families receiving a life-limiting diagnosis in pregnancy and emergent support for those who experience the loss of a baby in any gestation.” This ministry offers comfort to grieving parents and helps them make the most of whatever time they have with their child. They walk with the parents before, during, and after birth. One of the free services that SGM provides is photography so Tara and Brian were able to have a maternity shoot before Delilah was born. SGM doulas also supported the weary parents on the day of Delilah’s birth.
They were there to walk the couple through the adjustments that had to be made — including having a C-section.
To everyone’s surprise, Delilah was born loud and active. Tara had made a blanket and outfit for her daughter, which she carefully dressed and wrapped her in. Delilah met her siblings and a SGM photography was there to capture every moment. They wanted to savor what they thought would be their only hours with her.
Sufficient Grace Ministries shared some of the story of Delilah’s birth on Facebook, with her parents’ permission:
Delilah spent her first day and every day since defying the odds. She has nursed, filled many diapers, cries big cries that come from strong lungs, and has had great vitals since birth. Her parents are now home with her and navigating life with this overwhelming and unexpected Thanksgiving miracle.
We rejoice with them over the miraculous and precious life of beautiful Delilah! We speak about all kinds of miracles this side of heaven…and we celebrate every life, no matter how brief. But, sometimes we are given an unexpected gift of time with our little ones. Sometimes babies defy the odds, despite a diagnosis. Please join us in praying for continued strength and health for Delilah and for peace and wisdom for her parents as they face many doctor appointments while everyone unravels the best way to care for their little miracle-girl. If you do say a prayer, please comment a message and where you are praying from so that her family can be encouraged that Baby Delilah is being covered in prayers from all over the world!
Delilah survived and defied everyone’s expectations. It was determined that she has osteogenesis imperfecta type 3, which causes susceptibility to bone fractures. Despite this, she has been stronger than expected since birth. She has been able to nurse and go home within a couple of weeks of being born. Delilah’s miraculous survival has given her parents strength and hope as they go forward to navigate the care that she will need.
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