In October of 2024, Students For Life of America’s Savanna Deretich went undercover to Curtis and Glenna Boyd’s talk and book promotion in Washington, D.C., posing as a democratic intern whose friend wanted an abortion during the eighth month of pregnancy. Deretich was able to meet Boyd and his wife personally before the talk began, asking him to help her “friend” get a late-term abortion. Boyd’s response is stunning, even to someone well-acquainted with the abortionist’s historical claims that compassion is what motivates his grisly trade.
After introducing herself to Boyd as “an intern on the Hill,” Deretich asked Boyd for a favor. “This is perfect timing because I wanted to kind of ask a sensitive question,” Deretich said. “So, a really good friend of mine, her boyfriend just recently left her and she is about eight months pregnant. So would she be able to connect with you? Would you be able to help her with her problem at all?”
Right away, Boyd responded, “Yes.”
Boyd noted that he no longer commits abortions, but told Deretich that Dr. Matthew Reeves, who operates a notorious abortion in D.C. called Dupont Clinic, aborts babies up to 32 weeks and 6 days gestational age.
Eagerly, Boyd asked Deretich to refer her friend to Reeves and make sure Reeves knew that Boyd had sent the pregnant woman.
“She wants to tell him I referred her so she should get good, good care,” Boyd said. “If I refer her, she is likely to get better…attention,” Boyd added with a laugh.
Incredibly, Boyd considers the slaughtering of a fully-formed, healthy, viable baby in the womb at eight months to be “good, good care.”
Boyd walked Deretich to a back room, after briefly greeting his grandson, where his wife Glenna was conversing with National Abortion Federation members. He was looking for Reeves’ phone number so he could write it down for Deretich.
Boyd interrupted Glenna’s conversation with the NAF members and told his wife about Deretich’s “predicament.” Glenna immediately showed concern and understanding, unlocking her phone to find Reeves’ contact information.
The Boyds discussed how the eighth month of pregnancy marked the gestational limit for most abortionists.
“At that point it does become a question of… does the physician feel she or he can do this safely?… So there’s no guarantee in this,” Glenna told Deretich.
Boyd agreed that Deretich’s friend was “kind of at the limit,” and Reeves “might not be able to do her.”
When Deretich asked what her friend could do about getting an abortion if the mother was more than eight months pregnant, Boyd said that Warren Hern was “the one doctor that would stretch it” [the limit on abortion based on the baby’s gestational age].
Boyd then seemed to come to the conclusion that Hern would be the best doctor for the pregnant woman to see for a “personal” (elective) late-term abortion. In words laden with irony, Boyd advised Deretich’s friend to see Hern for an abortion — not for a medical reason when “the fetus is gonna die” anyway, but for a “personal need.” (Deretich had told Boyd that her friend’s boyfriend had recently broken up with her, and was seeking an abortion for that reason.)
“This is just a personal need. I mean, it’s not a medical… It’s not like the fetus is gonna die. The law gets involved in some states, it’s just… After certain points… So, Dr. Hern is the one,” Boyd said.
Seemingly moved to generosity, Boyd added, “Tell her I will call him personally if she has trouble reaching him or getting through to him.” Boyd even offered to give Deretich his own personal cell phone number, which Deretich graciously declined.
Deretich wrote of her experience:
I walked away with knots in my stomach, horrified at his willful happiness to kill a preborn baby who would be nearly fully developed, fully able to feel pain, and likely able to live outside the womb. (Eight months of pregnancy – 32 weeks – is far past the viability time frame of 20 to 25 weeks as a baby is ever stronger with healthier lungs.)
During the entire conversation, I felt sick. Too many lives were cruelly taken because of this Bonnie and Clyde abortion duo, dedicated to offering death to women’s children under the guise of “loving care.” A man and woman, both married doctors, have taken more life than they have created it.
Boyd’s cover of religious ‘compassion’ during his lengthy career
Unfortunately, during her interview with the Boyds, Deretich proved that Boyd and his wife still, at their age and in retirement (Boyd is currently 88 years old), are enthusiastically focused on promoting abortion, including abortions of viable babies.
Minutes after speaking with Deretich, the Boyd couple delivered their talk, during which they described their “utter exhilaration,” “euphoria,” and “love” that they felt for their murderous work over the course of their career. During the talk, Boyd also described how he felt that he was liberating women out of compassion, even while he discussed how he committed illegal abortions on teenagers in the ‘60’s, effectively using these girls and their babies as guinea pigs as he trained himself to commit abortions on the job, increasing to higher gestational ages.
In 2019, Boyd admitted to committing illegal abortions and committing abortions without training during his deposition for the case against him and what was then his facility, Southwestern Women’s Options, over the death of Keisha Atkins.
During this deposition, conducted by Justin Hall on behalf of Malpractice Attorney for the Plaintiffs, Mike Seibel, Boyd claimed that his identity as “an ordained minister” and belief in “compassion and service” compelled him to kill preborn babies.
“I come from a religious background,” he said. “I’m an ordained minister. And I believe in compassion, and service above self. So that’s my calling. And I do abortion services — I no longer do primary care.”
Understandably, Seibel could not refrain from laughing ironically at Boyd’s nonsensically hypocritical statement.
Lest anyone should think that he was deluded about the reality of his heinous acts of baby-killing, Boyd assured the world in a 2009 TV interview that he knew he was killing.
“Am I killing? Yes, I am. I know that,” Boyd said in the interview.
In this televised interview, just as in his deposition, he called himself an “ordained minister,” and made the blasphemous claim that he sends children’s souls back to God.
“I’ll ask that the spirit of this pregnancy be returned to God with love and with understanding.”
Nominally, Boyd is a member of the Unitarian religion, but his words reveal that his religion has to do with himself and killing children. This does not prevent Boyd from clothing his words and actions with the guise of Christian language and terminology, not unlike many politicians today — though the Unitarian Church “does not hold to any Christian creeds, and believes killing preborn human beings by abortion is a ‘moral and social good,'” as Live Action News previously noted.
A crazed compassion common to abortionists
Boyd’s cunning and cleverness while putting on a front of compassion is unique for abortionists, but Boyd is not the only abortionist who has used Christian language to try to justify the unjust murder of the unborn innocents.
Abortionist Warren Hern – the same man Boyd recommended to Deretich – also claims to be motivated by compassion and love, as he dangerously continues killing viable, healthy, preborn babies late in gestation, even in his old age.
Hern told the Los Angeles Times he felt convinced of the goodness of abortion after he committed his first one – on a 17-year-old girl.
“I felt I had found a new definition of the idea of medicine as an act of compassion and love for one’s fellow human beings, an idea that I gained from learning about Albert Schweitzer,” Hern said.
As Live Action News previously reported, Hern has claimed he shows compassion by killing babies with disabilities late in pregnancy. The Los Angeles Times reported, “It is not unusual for patients far along in their pregnancies to want to pose for photographs with the fetus. Hern offers them doll-size clothes and blankets sewn by his wife and former patients. Hern takes the pictures.”
Hern told the LA Times that he was helping women with their “grieving process,” implying that he knows full well what he is doing: killing.
After more than 50 years of committing abortions, Hern continues to kill babies even in the third trimester or pregnancy. He has killed approximately 200,000 babies, according to the LA Times.
Notably, another abortionist and abortion activist, Dr. Willie Parker, calls himself a Christian and has even even compared himself to Jesus, though he has admitted “abortion ends a life.” Parker wrote a book arguing for the morality of abortion, ironically entitled, “Life’s Work: A Moral Argument for Choice.”
One might ask how it is possible for these abortionists to reconcile what they do with any notion of religiosity and compassion.
Former abortionist Dr. Kathi Aultman may have provided an answer during the first part of Live Action’s “Face to Face” video campaign series. “You’re very schizophrenic in a lot of ways,” Aultman said, describing her former mindset as an abortionist.
“I thought I was a good person. I thought I was doing something good,” Aultman continued. “You can be so deceived.”
Tell President Trump, RFK, Jr., Elon, and Vivek:
Stop killing America’s future. Defund Planned Parenthood NOW!