An alliance of pro-life organizations is calling for protests at Planned Parenthood locations nationwide on the morning of Saturday, August 22.
#ProtestPP—which is primarily sponsored by Created Equal, Citizens for a Pro-Life Society, Pro-Life Action League, and 40 Days for Life and co-sponsored by dozens of additional pro-life organizations, including Live Action—intends to “raise awareness of the heartless and even illegal activities of Planned Parenthood by going to where the killing and harvesting of body parts from aborted children takes place,” in order to “put pressure on the media, both local and national, to report the truth about Planned Parenthood, and on government officials to stop funding this discredited organization.”
At the website, pro-lifers can find information on all aspects of hosting, organizing, and promoting protests; find protests that have already been planned as well as Planned Parenthood locations where protests have yet to be organized; and watch a number of the videos released by the Center for Medical Progress documenting the abortion giant’s organ harvesting practices, to help refresh and share the facts of the controversy in advance.
“Creating a presence at neighborhood Planned Parenthood facilities is essential to inform the public about what is going on behind closed doors,” the organizers note.