Last Days Ministries publishes a pamphlet called “Abortion Clinics: An Inside Look” which has interviews with former clinic workers. The first clinic worker, whose name is not given, talks about how her clinic would try to get women to come in as soon as possible so they wouldn’t have time to reconsider:
When a girl called to make her appointment, we’d work her in as soon as possible. If she called on Tuesday, we’d have her in no later than Friday. We wanted to avoid a long waiting period where she’d have time to think about it.
The more time that passes between the initial call and the actual abortion procedure, the more time the woman has to think about her choice. In this window of time, she might be influenced by pro-life friends and family. She might decide to seek out more information on abortion’s risks and fetal development on the Internet. She might be exposed to information the clinic does not want her to know. In short, she might change her mind.
When the women did come in for their abortions, they would see a “counselor”:
The counselors were trained in what areas to cover and which to avoid. They’d say, “I know this is a terrible situation you’re in. What can we do to help make this better for you? Yeah, it doesn’t sound like you’re ready for a pregnancy right now.” Their task was to keep the machinery moving – to get the woman into the procedure room as quickly as possible.
Rather than helping a woman work through her decision, these “counselors” were there to keep her quiet and compliant and rush her through her abortion. The so-called counselors would not be there for the woman days, months or years later when she is heartbroken over her abortion. They will not be there to wipe her tears away or help her cope. Once they get her money, and do the abortion, they are finished with her.
Sadly, this abortion clinic is typical of many. You can read more quotes from former clinic workers about similar practices in their own clinics.
This clinic worker’s testimony is further evidence that some abortion clinics take advantage of women.