(Pregnancy Help News) As Planned Parenthood continues to grab headlines for the widely publicized atrocities that threaten to bring its once-invincible brand to the place of no return, I’m certain the overlooked, lesser-known abortion clinics are heaving a sigh of relief.
Mom-and-pop abortion mills can continue their gruesome work with no one being the wiser. They may feel they don’t need to concern themselves with public scrutiny, since Planned Parenthood seems to be taking all the heat on abortion.
Here in Arkansas, there are only two Planned Parenthood centers, and both specialize only in chemical abortions using the abortion pill RU-486. According to their websites, a non-Planned Parenthood abortion provider down the road stands ready and willing to surgically abort babies who have grown beyond seven weeks in their mother’s womb.
Most abortion-seeking women of south Arkansas choose to drive the shorter distance and cross the state line for the procedure. Once again, neither of the abortion clinics in the southern adjoining state is affiliated with Planned Parenthood. So for the women of this area, these small-town clinics are the giants of the abortion industry.
Even though Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider, we need to keep in focus that the most important issue is abortion itself. Abortion itself is what we hope to see terminated. I’m hoping the public outcry and recent attention about Planned Parenthood is just the tip of the abortion iceberg.
Every day at pregnancy help centers and medical clinics around the nation, lives are being saved—and it’s not only the babies. Women who are on the verge of choosing abortion can walk through the doors of any one of the 2,500 PHCs around this country.
Equipped with the information and options they need, women can be confident in making the healthiest decision for everyone involved in a crisis pregnancy. They can also be confident of their safety, since no woman or child has ever died in a pregnancy center.
More than that, a woman can walk out with a changed heart.
I have sat knee-to-knee with nearly 200 women who are in the midst of a crisis pregnancy. I can tell you the main emotion running through many of these abortion-minded women is fear—fear she can’t financially care for her baby, fear of what others will think when they hear the news, and fear that a baby will ruin her future.
And the pro-abortion folks feed on all that fear. Big Abortion has built its business model dependent upon fear and coercion. It wants women running scared. It wants every women to doubt herself and her ability to care for a baby.
Bottom line, the abortion industry needs women to give into fear and choose abortion.
At places like 1st Choice Pregnancy Resource Center, we work hard to give each of these ladies just the opposite. We help each woman find the strength and courage to look past her fears and see the positives in her situation.
Yes, there may be financial struggles ahead, but we help educate a woman that government-funded programs like WIC and Medicaid can help. Yes, her family may be initially shocked at the news of an unplanned pregnancy, but most will get past that and see the baby as the blessing he or she really is.
And yes, having a baby in less-than-desirable circumstances is tough, but guess what? It’s doable. And it’s not the automatic future-killer abortion dealers say it is.
I can tell you, my oldest son is worth more than any WIC voucher I ever had to use. He is worth more than the fear I felt at 18, telling my parents I was pregnant. And he is worth more than any future plans my teenage mind had dreamed up.
I still went to college. I still met the man of my dreams. I still had a life beyond my unplanned pregnancy. Were things hard for me back then? You bet they were, but all of those experiences shaped me into who I am today.
If I had given into my fears and chosen abortion, I may have still found my way to 1st Choice Pregnancy Resource Center, but the story of my life would have been drastically different. I wouldn’t have my sweet 19-year-old son.
I wouldn’t know the joy of having him wrap his arms around me and tell me he loves me. I would’ve missed all those years of kissing the top of his sweet little head. So now when my 6-foot-4 baby leans down to kiss me on the top of mine, I know without a doubt that choosing life not only saved him, it saved me too.
Thanks to the pregnancy help community, women now have the opportunity to say “no” to the abortion industry’s fear-mongering, and say “yes” to a life filled with joyful possibilities.
An unplanned pregnancy doesn’t mark an end to life, it marks the beginning of a hope-filled journey.
Editor’s Note: This article is reprinted from Pregnancy Help News with permission of the author.