Sandra Merritt and David Daleiden spent years undercover, investigating Planned Parenthood. Last year, the Center for Medical Progress released the results of their investigation: videos showing Planned Parenthood executives and officials from all over the country transacting the body parts of aborted babies. The backlash was swift and immediate.
Congress opened investigations into Planned Parenthood, as did multiple states across the country. Even more states pulled funding from the abortion giant. Hundreds of thousands of people protested. Planned Parenthood is striking back by suing both Daleiden and Merritt.
Now, with the extraordinary stress and hardship that Merritt has had to endure, pro-lifers are coming to her aid with crowdfunded financial support — and hoping that you will join.
The indictment and lawsuits have put both emotional and monetary strain on Sandra. She has received hate mail and threats at her home address, heavy media scrutiny, and has had to take time off from her work to deal with all the legal challenges. As someone who is self-employed, this has taken a heavy toll on Sandra’s finances. Please consider supporting Sandra and thanking her for exposing the horrifying practices at Planned Parenthood and saving the lives of hundreds of pre-born babies.
The campaign has been endorsed by Live Action’s Lila Rose, who said of Merritt:
Sandra Merritt wanted to help end abortion. A teacher, she wanted to do what she could to help protect all children, including those in the womb. She is now facing a felony…something she didn’t realize was at stake when she started working on an undercover video project. She was not an activist. She did not work in the prolife movement. She was an ordinary woman who is now in an extraordinary situation. She is a mother and a wonderful woman who needs our prayer and support now more than ever. I am honored to call her a friend.
Other pro-life leaders, such as Shawn Carney of 40 Days for Life and Abby Johnson, have endorsed the campaign.
Sandra Merritt had the bravery to go behind Planned Parenthood’s closed doors and face the evil that was within. She was a vital member of the team that exposed the cruelty and complete disregard for the law within Planned Parenthood.
Pro-lifers are being asked to stand with her now, and send a donation to assist as she faces an extremely intimidating foe, one with almost unlimited power and resources.