In recent videos released by the Center for Medical Progress, we’ve seen the mangled bodies of preborn children who have been aborted. We’ve watched these children and their body parts being discussed as if they were commodities to be sold to the highest bidder. Specifically in video #4, we hear a medical assistant say, “Another boy,” while picking through a child’s remains.
I recently traveled to Washington D.C to join Students for Life President Kristan Hawkins for a powerful initiative honoring the little boys in these videos by symbolically naming them Emmett, after Emmett Till, the 14-year-old Black boy who was violently murdered in the South in 1955 for allegedly whistling at a white woman.
Mamie Elizabeth Till, upon seeing the bludgeoned and broken body of her son, made a brave decision to have an open casket at his funeral. The horrific photos of his body were seen around the world. Emmett’s murderers were acquitted, and people were infuriated by the Jim Crow Laws and culture of segregation that allowed racist crimes to go unpunished. Less than 100 days after Emmett’s death, a Black woman named Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat to a white man on a Montgomery City bus, saying, “I thought of Emmett Till, and when the bus driver ordered me to move to the back, I just couldn’t move.”
Our hope is that just as Emmett Till’s murder awakened a nation to action, the video footage of Baby Emmett’s broken little body would awaken the nation’s conscience.
Students for Life has created an online memorial at the site, This is a place for grieving individuals to leave messages of love and hope for Baby Emmett and the millions like him who’ve been killed by abortion. Here’s one message that was put on the site.
Emmett, I’m sorry I did not speak up sooner. I’m sorry that I didn’t educate myself sooner. Today I speak on your behalf. I pray that humanity sees the reality of what abortion really is. murder. I promise that I will do more each day to make this truth known and hopefully move the hearts of those that live in darkness.
This August will mark 60 years since Emmett’s death. In a short time the actions of concerned citizens has brought great change to our nation. Visit today and leave a message of hope for Baby Emmett.
That child didn’t deserve to meet his demise in the womb. He didn’t deserve to have his remains picked apart in a dish. He was worthy of a name, a family and a future.
Reaffirm your stand to abolish abortion and end the violence against children in the womb. This is the greatest human rights issue of our day.