Yesterday, California Governor Edmund Brown, Jr signed into law legislation that would allow non-physicians to perform abortions. After being passed in the Senate, Governor Brown signed the bill, which means that in California, certified nurse-midwives, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants to perform first-trimester abortions.
This is being done in the name of expanding access to abortion for women (because there evidently aren’t enough abortions already in California?). California has an abortion rate over 40% higher than the national average according to the Planned Parenthood founded Guttmacher Institute.
Interestingly, abortion advocates often push for extreme pro-abortion legislation, claiming that without free abortion legalized on-demand, women would be forced into back-alley butcher shops, where they would be at the mercy of someone who isn’t a doctor, attempting to kill their unborn child.
This is exactly what has just happened in California — women will now be able to get their abortions performed by non-physicians — but in this case, it’s evidently A-OK to the pro-aborts. It just goes to show that it’s abortion that abortion advocates want to advance, not the health and safety of American women.