On July 5th, 2012, Heather Surovik was driving her car with her two young sons and her mother when they were hit by a drunk driver. When she woke up in the ICU, she knew something was wrong when she saw her parents crying. She was right. Her son Brady had been killed in the accident.
But the drunk driver was not charged with Brady’s death.
Why? Because Brady had never taken a breath. Heather was 8 months pregnant and carrying his 8 pound 2 oz perfectly formed body still inside of her while on the way home from her last prenatal appointment before his expected birth. The horrific accident left her injured and took her son, but the law of Colorado did not recognize his life.
Now she’s working to change that.
Heather is working with Personhood USA to honor babies like Brady through Amendment 67 which seeks to include the unborn in the law’s recognition of children and people.
Amendment 67 will be up for vote in November, so please spread the word to everyone you know from Colorado and let them know how important this recognition of the unborn is.
Learn more about how be A Voice For Brady on their website, and by watching the video below on the Brady Project.