(National Review) Once killing the sufferer becomes a societally acceptable means for ending suffering, there becomes no end to the “suffering” that...
(National Review) We aren’t an anti-suicide culture anymore. Oh, sure. We bemoan those of veterans and teenagers — still — but the...
(National Review) Children are being indoctrinated into everything that subverts traditional values these days, and in Canada that includes bringing children along...
(National Review) Remember when we were told that assisted suicide would only be engaged in as part of an intimate and long-term...
(National Review) China has been reliably and repeatedly accused of killing Falun Gong and other political prisoners for their organs. Now, a paper just published in...
(National Review) A little while ago I highlighted a shocking Maryland bill that would essentially decriminalize neglecting an infant to death in the “perinatal”...
(National Review) Remember when former Virginia governor Ralph Northam blessed the right of a mother and her doctor to “have a conversation” and decide...
(National Review) The core problem with contemporary bioethics is that the movement denies human exceptionalism. In this view, being human is morally...
(National Review) The push is now on to allow assisted suicide for psychiatric patients. The Journal of Eating Disorders has published a piece urging...
(National Review) Belgium has no age limit for its euthanasia. Now, a letter published in a British Medical Journal publication reports that...
(National Review) Keaton Crull, a three-month-old baby from Indiana being treated in Kentucky, is about to be removed from life support over...
(National Review) Please understand, dear readers, that when assisted-suicide advocates promise strict guidelines to protect against abuse, they don’t really mean it....
(National Review) As if we needed further evidence that medicine is growing increasingly impersonal, the Canadian Medical Association Journal has published a...
(National Review) In 1993, my first ever anti-euthanasia column warned in Newsweek that once euthanasia became accepted widely, it would be followed by organ harvesting “as...